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The Lonely Search for God

par Henri J. M. Nouwen

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Join one of the most influential spiritual writers of the 20th century on the search for meaning. What does it really mean to live your life in the spirit of Jesus Christ? Tackle this question with Henri Nouwen (1932-1996), the author of such classics as The Return of the Prodigal Son and Life of the Beloved. Perhaps no 20th-century spiritual thinker so profoundly captured the human experience as this Catholic priest and psychologist. Now, in this moving audio program, you have the rare opportunity to listen to Nouwen's voice. He powerfully draws upon his own struggles to show you how to move from loneliness to solitude, from hostility to hospitality, and from illusion to prayer. In sharing his personal experiences, Nouwen imparts to you the profound gifts that he has received, giving shape to the human struggle. As you will discover, it is only through encountering darkness that you can understand light. Through listening to his particular experiences, you will come to understand more fully this universal human experience. As you will learn, to be human is not to be apart from but rather a part of community. Indeed, God came to us in Jesus Christ, who became human - to the point of accepting death on the Cross. Ultimately, you will learn that you are not traveling alone on this "lonely" search for God. Find light in darkness with Nouwen as your guide. This course is part of the Learn25 collection..… (plus d'informations)

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Join one of the most influential spiritual writers of the 20th century on the search for meaning. What does it really mean to live your life in the spirit of Jesus Christ? Tackle this question with Henri Nouwen (1932-1996), the author of such classics as The Return of the Prodigal Son and Life of the Beloved. Perhaps no 20th-century spiritual thinker so profoundly captured the human experience as this Catholic priest and psychologist. Now, in this moving audio program, you have the rare opportunity to listen to Nouwen's voice. He powerfully draws upon his own struggles to show you how to move from loneliness to solitude, from hostility to hospitality, and from illusion to prayer. In sharing his personal experiences, Nouwen imparts to you the profound gifts that he has received, giving shape to the human struggle. As you will discover, it is only through encountering darkness that you can understand light. Through listening to his particular experiences, you will come to understand more fully this universal human experience. As you will learn, to be human is not to be apart from but rather a part of community. Indeed, God came to us in Jesus Christ, who became human - to the point of accepting death on the Cross. Ultimately, you will learn that you are not traveling alone on this "lonely" search for God. Find light in darkness with Nouwen as your guide. This course is part of the Learn25 collection..

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