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Without Rival: Embrace Your Identity and…

Without Rival: Embrace Your Identity and Purpose in an Age of Confusion and Comparison (édition 2016)

par Lisa Bevere (Auteur)

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1852152,456 (4.21)Aucun
Bold Bible Teacher Empowers Women to Live Free from Comparison and Rivalry. In this day of challenge and opportunity, women have been the victims of constant comparison and rivalry. It has robbed the church of the feminine voice and contribution that would make her strong. In a wild, vibrant, and relatable style, Lisa challenges women to: embrace the fact that God loves us uniquely rather than equally; realize their undisputed calling; reconnect to their divine identity; dismantle the rivalries that keep us from God's fullness. There has never been a more desperate need for each of us to discover who and why we are a daughter without rival, loved by a God without rival, entrusted with a promise without rival, to complete an assignment without rival, that is destined for an eternity without rival. Includes questions for personal reflection and small group discussion, plus additional questions designed for use with Insights to a Life Without Rival video sessions.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Without Rival: Embrace Your Identity and Purpose in an Age of Confusion and Comparison
Auteurs:Lisa Bevere (Auteur)
Info:Revell (2016), 256 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Without Rival: Embrace Your Identity and Purpose in an Age of Confusion and Comparison par Lisa Bevere


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It is not a book you can just read, it is a book you want to study, read, highlight and read again.
I would recommend this book to be read by all girls who are becoming of age and struggling with the pressures of this world. ( )
  CCWLibrary | Aug 24, 2024 |
It is not a book you can just read, it is a book you want to study, read, highlight and read again. There are so many wonderful quote worthy moments in this book. There has also been many Amen! moments for me. Especially this one:
"The first woman came from a man,true- but ever since then, every man comes from a woman! "
It is a truth I always knew but never fully grasped.
I am giving this book 4 stars because it wasn't quite what I expected it to be. I was looking for more ways to battle jealousy, hatred and same sex rivals in every day life. Book had a lot of topics, but maybe the one I wanted wasn't covered deep enough.
I would recommend this book to be read by all girls who are becoming of age and struggling with the pressures of this world. Sadly, we are often the ones who put those pressures on ourselves. I would recommend women who lost sense of direction to read this book.
Wanted to finish with amazing quote from a book.
" if you are not intentional with your time, your days will float away from you, as you are pushed and pulled by demands and distractions". ( )
  bookandsword | Jan 9, 2017 |
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Bold Bible Teacher Empowers Women to Live Free from Comparison and Rivalry. In this day of challenge and opportunity, women have been the victims of constant comparison and rivalry. It has robbed the church of the feminine voice and contribution that would make her strong. In a wild, vibrant, and relatable style, Lisa challenges women to: embrace the fact that God loves us uniquely rather than equally; realize their undisputed calling; reconnect to their divine identity; dismantle the rivalries that keep us from God's fullness. There has never been a more desperate need for each of us to discover who and why we are a daughter without rival, loved by a God without rival, entrusted with a promise without rival, to complete an assignment without rival, that is destined for an eternity without rival. Includes questions for personal reflection and small group discussion, plus additional questions designed for use with Insights to a Life Without Rival video sessions.

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