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Magic Tricks, Science Facts

par Robert Friedhoffer

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A NOTE TO PARENTS AND TEACHERSThis book attempts to help children become interested in the study of the sciences while teaching them rudimentary principles. It does this by stripping away some of the mysteries associated with science and technology.Scientific and mathematical principles presented as magic or puzzles have an allure that appeals to many children, even those with marginal scientific interests. This book was written to show children that science and math can be fun and exciting, as well as useful. It will:* make the pursuit of science a game that children will want to play* be a useful tool to children, allowing them to learn to express themselves in public through the performance of magic tricks* help them to develop a knowledge of the psychology of working with people* by the very nature of the performance, help them to learn to think on their feetPREFACEWhen I was a kid, I was very nosy. I always wanted to know how and why things worked. What were their secrets? I'd constantly take things apart to find out what made them tick. Occasionally that would get me into all sorts of trouble, because I couldn't put them back together again.One day I discovered magic and learned that it too had secrets. I wanted to know about those secrets. I studied books, talked to amateur magicians, and bought tricks. I was in heaven.In school we were taught the secrets of physics, chemistry, and biology. To master these secrets, I studied books, talked to my teachers, and experimented in the labs. Heaven again!Today I enjoy combining my two interests. I perform magic on stage and whenever possible include science-based tricks in my act. The secrets of magic and science are very old, and the number of new tricks that can be invented using these principles is practically limitless.I hope that you enjoy learning these scientific magic tricks, and their secrets, as much as I've enjoyed putting them together for you.Bob Friedhoffer aka The Madman of Magic… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parArmadilloTech

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A NOTE TO PARENTS AND TEACHERSThis book attempts to help children become interested in the study of the sciences while teaching them rudimentary principles. It does this by stripping away some of the mysteries associated with science and technology.Scientific and mathematical principles presented as magic or puzzles have an allure that appeals to many children, even those with marginal scientific interests. This book was written to show children that science and math can be fun and exciting, as well as useful. It will:* make the pursuit of science a game that children will want to play* be a useful tool to children, allowing them to learn to express themselves in public through the performance of magic tricks* help them to develop a knowledge of the psychology of working with people* by the very nature of the performance, help them to learn to think on their feetPREFACEWhen I was a kid, I was very nosy. I always wanted to know how and why things worked. What were their secrets? I'd constantly take things apart to find out what made them tick. Occasionally that would get me into all sorts of trouble, because I couldn't put them back together again.One day I discovered magic and learned that it too had secrets. I wanted to know about those secrets. I studied books, talked to amateur magicians, and bought tricks. I was in heaven.In school we were taught the secrets of physics, chemistry, and biology. To master these secrets, I studied books, talked to my teachers, and experimented in the labs. Heaven again!Today I enjoy combining my two interests. I perform magic on stage and whenever possible include science-based tricks in my act. The secrets of magic and science are very old, and the number of new tricks that can be invented using these principles is practically limitless.I hope that you enjoy learning these scientific magic tricks, and their secrets, as much as I've enjoyed putting them together for you.Bob Friedhoffer aka The Madman of Magic

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