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ADHD: A Hunter in a Farmer's World par Thom…

ADHD: A Hunter in a Farmer's World (édition 2019)

par Thom Hartmann (Auteur), Michael Popkin (Avant-propos)

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A newly revised and updated edition of the classic guide to reframing our view of ADHD and embracing its benefits. Explains that people with ADHD are not disordered or dysfunctional, but simply "hunters in a farmer's world"--possessing a unique mental skill set that would have allowed them to thrive in a hunter-gatherer society. Offers concrete non-drug methods and practices to help hunters--and their parents, teachers, and managers--embrace their differences, nurture creativity, and find success in school, at work, and at home. Reveals how some of the world's most successful people can be labeled as ADHD hunters, including Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, and Andrew Carnegie. With 10 percent of the Western world's children suspected of having Attention Deficit Disorder, or ADHD, and a growing number of adults self-diagnosing after decades of struggle, the question must be raised: How could Nature make such a "mistake"? In this updated edition of his groundbreaking classic, Thom Hartmann explains that people with ADHD are not abnormal, disordered, or dysfunctional, but simply "hunters in a farmer's world." Often highly creative and single-minded in pursuit of a self-chosen goal, those with ADHD symptoms possess a unique mental skill set that would have allowed them to thrive in a hunter-gatherer society. As hunters, they would have been constantly scanning their environment, looking for food or threats (distractibility); they'd have to act without hesitation (impulsivity); and they'd have to love the high-stimulation and risk-filled environment of the hunting field. With our structured public schools, office workplaces, and factories those who inherit a surplus of "hunter skills" are often left frustrated in a world that doesn't understand or support them. As Hartmann shows, by reframing our view of ADHD, we can begin to see it not as a disorder, but as simply a difference and, in some ways, an advantage. He reveals how some of the world's most successful people can be labeled as ADHD hunters and offers concrete non-drug methods and practices to help hunters--and their parents, teachers, and managers--embrace their differences, nurture creativity, and find success in school, at work, and at home. Providing a supportive "survival" guide to help fine tune your natural skill set, rather than suppress it, Hartmann shows that each mind--whether hunter, farmer, or somewhere in between--has value and great potential waiting to be tapped.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:ADHD: A Hunter in a Farmer's World
Auteurs:Thom Hartmann (Auteur)
Autres auteurs:Michael Popkin (Avant-propos)
Info:Healing Arts Press (2019), Edition: 3rd Edition, Revised and Updated Edition of Attention Deficit Disorder: A Different Perception, 240 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Adult ADHD: How to Succeed as a Hunter in a Farmer's World par Thom Hartmann


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3 sur 3
Not really deserving of three stars but maybe somewhere better than two? I’m don’t know. Picked this up hoping to find pointers for coping. What I came away with instead is the firm conviction I don’t actually have ADHD. Keep your desk clean and free of distractions? Yeah, love to. How? Pretty disillusioned not being the creative genius, risk taking entrepreneur he describes in here. Plus, please learn to use the neutral they. ( )
  corliss12000 | Mar 16, 2024 |
Very nice follow-up to his previous work on hunter in a farmer's world and multiple intelligences multiple learning styles. I recommend this for teachers students and parents whether you are a farmer or Hunter, as it helps to understand both types in our changing world. ( )
  FourFreedoms | May 17, 2019 |
Very nice follow-up to his previous work on hunter in a farmer's world and multiple intelligences multiple learning styles. I recommend this for teachers students and parents whether you are a farmer or Hunter, as it helps to understand both types in our changing world. ( )
  ShiraDest | Mar 6, 2019 |
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The great direction which Burton has left to men
disordered like you, is this: Be not solitary, be not idle.

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This book is dedicated to my perpetual partner in virtually
all my business enterprises, Louise Hartmann. I have
started many businesses that she has ended up managing,
always with skill and aplomb. From her
I've learned the importance of patience, teamwork
and even the value of boring meetings.
Premiers mots
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[Foreword] My mother has a favorite story she still tells friends about when I was a teenager.
[An Entrepreneur's Note to the Reader] Every entrepreneur in America must read this book.
[Introduction] There is a substantial subpopulation of the world that has a common and somewhat consistent set of personality characteristics.
We all experience a spectrum of levels or states of consciousness as we go moment to moment through daily life.
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A newly revised and updated edition of the classic guide to reframing our view of ADHD and embracing its benefits. Explains that people with ADHD are not disordered or dysfunctional, but simply "hunters in a farmer's world"--possessing a unique mental skill set that would have allowed them to thrive in a hunter-gatherer society. Offers concrete non-drug methods and practices to help hunters--and their parents, teachers, and managers--embrace their differences, nurture creativity, and find success in school, at work, and at home. Reveals how some of the world's most successful people can be labeled as ADHD hunters, including Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, and Andrew Carnegie. With 10 percent of the Western world's children suspected of having Attention Deficit Disorder, or ADHD, and a growing number of adults self-diagnosing after decades of struggle, the question must be raised: How could Nature make such a "mistake"? In this updated edition of his groundbreaking classic, Thom Hartmann explains that people with ADHD are not abnormal, disordered, or dysfunctional, but simply "hunters in a farmer's world." Often highly creative and single-minded in pursuit of a self-chosen goal, those with ADHD symptoms possess a unique mental skill set that would have allowed them to thrive in a hunter-gatherer society. As hunters, they would have been constantly scanning their environment, looking for food or threats (distractibility); they'd have to act without hesitation (impulsivity); and they'd have to love the high-stimulation and risk-filled environment of the hunting field. With our structured public schools, office workplaces, and factories those who inherit a surplus of "hunter skills" are often left frustrated in a world that doesn't understand or support them. As Hartmann shows, by reframing our view of ADHD, we can begin to see it not as a disorder, but as simply a difference and, in some ways, an advantage. He reveals how some of the world's most successful people can be labeled as ADHD hunters and offers concrete non-drug methods and practices to help hunters--and their parents, teachers, and managers--embrace their differences, nurture creativity, and find success in school, at work, and at home. Providing a supportive "survival" guide to help fine tune your natural skill set, rather than suppress it, Hartmann shows that each mind--whether hunter, farmer, or somewhere in between--has value and great potential waiting to be tapped.

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