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Gift-Wrapped by God: Secret Answers to the…

Gift-Wrapped by God: Secret Answers to the Question "Why Wait?" (édition 2002)

par Linda Dillow (Auteur)

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Women who have maintained their sexual purity often ask, "Is it really that important for me to wait until I get married?" Meanwhile, single women who have been sexually active mourn the loss of their innocence, wishing they could somehow start again. Women want to protect the purity that is God's gift to them, and they also long to be loved. This volatile combination makes them vulnerable to temptation. That is why it is vital that women know not only that God wants them to wait, but why God wants them to do so. They need solid reasons, conviction, and a strategy that will prepare them to live out their sexual purity as God intends. Filled with powerful true stories of hope and healing, Gift-Wrapped by God provides compelling emotional and spiritual reasons for choosing God's path of sexual purity, as well as practical help for following it. Whether women have held onto their sexual innocence, have become prematurely sexually active, or have had their purity taken by force, they can express and fulfill their desire to come to their wedding day--and live out every day--sexually pure and whole.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Gift-Wrapped by God: Secret Answers to the Question "Why Wait?"
Auteurs:Linda Dillow (Auteur)
Info:WaterBrook Press (2002), Edition: 1, 240 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Gift-Wrapped by God: Secret Answers to the Question "Why Wait?" par Linda Dillow


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Women who have maintained their sexual purity often ask, "Is it really that important for me to wait until I get married?" Meanwhile, single women who have been sexually active mourn the loss of their innocence, wishing they could somehow start again. Women want to protect the purity that is God's gift to them, and they also long to be loved. This volatile combination makes them vulnerable to temptation. That is why it is vital that women know not only that God wants them to wait, but why God wants them to do so. They need solid reasons, conviction, and a strategy that will prepare them to live out their sexual purity as God intends. Filled with powerful true stories of hope and healing, Gift-Wrapped by God provides compelling emotional and spiritual reasons for choosing God's path of sexual purity, as well as practical help for following it. Whether women have held onto their sexual innocence, have become prematurely sexually active, or have had their purity taken by force, they can express and fulfill their desire to come to their wedding day--and live out every day--sexually pure and whole.

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