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Einbruch der Wirklichkeit: Auf dem…

Einbruch der Wirklichkeit: Auf dem Flüchtlingstreck durch Europa (German Edition) (édition 2016)

par Kermani Navid (Auteur)

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271889,293 (4.4)Aucun
By foot, in buses, prison vans and trains, a steady stream of refugees traveled from the Greek island of Lesbos into Europe. In the autumn of 2015, award-winning writer Navid Kermani decided to accompany them on the "Balkan route." In this perceptive account from the front line of the "refugee crisis," Kermani shows how a seemingly distant world in which war and conflict rage has suddenly collided with our own. Kermani describes the situation on the Turkish west coast where thousands of refugees live in the most desperate conditions, waiting to take the perilous journey across the Mediterranean. Then, on Lesbos, he observes the culture shock amongst those who have survived the ordeal by sea. He speaks to aid workers and politicians, but most importantly of all to the refugees themselves, asking those who have come from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere what has driven them to risk everything and embark on the long and treacherous journey to Europe. With great sensitivity Kermani reveals, often through small details, the cultural and political upheaval that has caused people to uproot their lives, and at the same time shining a light on Europe's inadequate and at times openly hostile response to the refugees. Interspersed with powerful images by the acclaimed photographer Moises Saman, Upheaval is a much-needed human account of a crisis we cannot ignore.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Einbruch der Wirklichkeit: Auf dem Flüchtlingstreck durch Europa (German Edition)
Auteurs:Kermani Navid (Auteur)
Info:Groothandel - LI (2016), 96 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque, Liste de livres désirés, En cours de lecture, À lire

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Upheaval: The Refugee Trek Through Europe par Navid Kermani (Author)


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Das Buch ist wichtig, eigentlich sogar heute mehr als zu seiner Entstehungszeit. Denn es macht auch jetzt noch deutlich, warum die Menschen kommen, wie die Menschen kommen und dass es Menschen sind, die kommen. „Wovor die Europäer Sorge haben, das macht den Flüchtlingen erst recht Angst“, schreibt der Autor.
Das Buch sieht durchaus schon Probleme voraus, die auch eingetroffen sind, und verschweigt nicht die eigene Beklemmung. Aber es verschweigt eben auch nicht die Zustände auf der Balkanroute und zuvor, in der Türkei. Es verschweigt nicht die Verzweiflung und Hoffnung der Menschen. Sein Blick ist voller Empathie. Dass die Flucht in Kermanis Buch gerade auf dem Kölner Hauptbahnhof "vor Silvester" endet, ist vielleicht eine jener Metaphern, die man sich nicht aussucht: Kermanis Buch ist noch ein Beitrag oder zumindest ein Kommentar zur Willkommenskultur, die mit Silvester 2015 ein Ende gefunden hat. Leider- denn es sollte möglich sein, eine sachliche Debatte zu führen und es sollte möglich sein, sich darauf zu besinnen, dass es um Menschen geht und auch wir menschlich und human bleiben müssen. ( )
  Wassilissa | Nov 26, 2018 |
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By foot, in buses, prison vans and trains, a steady stream of refugees traveled from the Greek island of Lesbos into Europe. In the autumn of 2015, award-winning writer Navid Kermani decided to accompany them on the "Balkan route." In this perceptive account from the front line of the "refugee crisis," Kermani shows how a seemingly distant world in which war and conflict rage has suddenly collided with our own. Kermani describes the situation on the Turkish west coast where thousands of refugees live in the most desperate conditions, waiting to take the perilous journey across the Mediterranean. Then, on Lesbos, he observes the culture shock amongst those who have survived the ordeal by sea. He speaks to aid workers and politicians, but most importantly of all to the refugees themselves, asking those who have come from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere what has driven them to risk everything and embark on the long and treacherous journey to Europe. With great sensitivity Kermani reveals, often through small details, the cultural and political upheaval that has caused people to uproot their lives, and at the same time shining a light on Europe's inadequate and at times openly hostile response to the refugees. Interspersed with powerful images by the acclaimed photographer Moises Saman, Upheaval is a much-needed human account of a crisis we cannot ignore.

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