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Eyewitness: Costume par L Rowland-Warne

Eyewitness: Costume (original 1992; édition 2000)

par L Rowland-Warne (Auteur)

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437659,448 (4.14)1
Photographs and text document the history and meaning of clothing, from loincloths to modern children's clothes.
Titre:Eyewitness: Costume
Auteurs:L Rowland-Warne (Auteur)
Info:DK Children (2000), Edition: First Edition, 64 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Le costume et la mode par L. Rowland-Warne (1992)


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I so loved Eyewitness books as a kid - they were some of the only nonfiction books I spent a lot of time with - and now I remember why. Most of the information is presented in captions, and it's so easy to take in the bite-size pieces of info along with the pictures and illustrations, which really take center stage.

Toddler enjoyed the "big hair" on the cover and the page about shoes.
  JennyArch | Oct 3, 2017 |
This is a history of British Costume, not a history of Costume, which is fine, since you couldn't do World Costume in a book this size, but since it's the American edition, and it's intended for kids, it might be nice for it to *say* somewhere that it's British costume only and not leave it to be deduced from context clues. ( )
  melannen | Jan 5, 2017 |
I think this is a great book to learn about clothes and how they have changed through the years. Along with outstanding photographs, it tells about the uses and development of clothing and accessories. We had fun looking at the clothes from the different eras we were learning about. My only wish would be that it were ordered more by date than type of clothing. ( )
  MrsLee | Nov 28, 2015 |
I love Eyewitness books. They are a phenomenal way to learn loads of information in a short amount of time. The entire series is a great resource for students studying any topic. ( )
  benuathanasia | Sep 5, 2012 |
A children's book that many adults would enjoy browsing through. A quick historical overview of costumes worn through history. The book includes photos of reproduction or antique costumes worn by models. Some jewelry references included. ( )
  beadinggem | Dec 22, 2007 |
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Photographs and text document the history and meaning of clothing, from loincloths to modern children's clothes.

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