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Ancient Sites of Kauai: A Guide to Hawaiian Archaeological and Cultural Places

par Van James

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In this informative and easy-to-follow book, author Van James highlights the features, legends, and archaeology of forty Kauai sites, including Niihau and Papahanaumokuakea, the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Each site description includes a photograph, directions, and a map for easy location. While the book is organized for touring the island s sites region by region, cross-referenced lists make it easy to develop alternatives according to personal interest. An introduction by the late Hawaiian authority Edward L. H. Kanahele gives the reader an understanding of the intimate connection Hawaiians feel to the land and its features. He describes the concept of wahi pana, sacred places of Hawaii that are imbued with spiritual significance. Sabra Kauka of Kauai contributes a Preface. Further context for the site descriptions is given by Van James in chapters describing aspects of Hawaiian culture and five main types of sites: heiau (temples), pohaku (sacred stones), petroglyphs, caves and rock shelters, and fishponds. Tips on selected sites and cultural collections are also included. Sections on site preservation, Hawaiian pronunciation, and a glossary of Hawaiian terms round out the volume. A must for visitors and kamaaina alike, this book provides an introduction to cultural treasures little known or understood.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parscmegale, KdKd, kewiser

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In this informative and easy-to-follow book, author Van James highlights the features, legends, and archaeology of forty Kauai sites, including Niihau and Papahanaumokuakea, the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Each site description includes a photograph, directions, and a map for easy location. While the book is organized for touring the island s sites region by region, cross-referenced lists make it easy to develop alternatives according to personal interest. An introduction by the late Hawaiian authority Edward L. H. Kanahele gives the reader an understanding of the intimate connection Hawaiians feel to the land and its features. He describes the concept of wahi pana, sacred places of Hawaii that are imbued with spiritual significance. Sabra Kauka of Kauai contributes a Preface. Further context for the site descriptions is given by Van James in chapters describing aspects of Hawaiian culture and five main types of sites: heiau (temples), pohaku (sacred stones), petroglyphs, caves and rock shelters, and fishponds. Tips on selected sites and cultural collections are also included. Sections on site preservation, Hawaiian pronunciation, and a glossary of Hawaiian terms round out the volume. A must for visitors and kamaaina alike, this book provides an introduction to cultural treasures little known or understood.

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