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Emerald springs

par Fleur McDonald

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After finishing university, Amelia Bennett returns to Jervois and promptly falls in love with the wonderful - if broke and slightly stubborn - Paul Barnes. Now she's determined to lose her old reputation for being scatty and unreliable by proving herself as the treasurer of the local rodeo committee and making the forthcoming rodeo a huge success. Flushed with triumph on the evening of the best rodeo in the town's history, Amelia is driving the record proceeds into town when she becomes the victim of a terrifying crash and grab. Injured and distraught after her ordeal, she's even more devastated when she later finds out that she and Paul are the objects of gossip and suspicion in town. To prove her innocence and that of the man she loves, Amelia must convince a sceptical rural detective that her account of what happened does add up and that he must help her track down the real culprits..… (plus d'informations)

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After finishing university, Amelia Bennett returns to Jervois and promptly falls in love with the wonderful - if broke and slightly stubborn - Paul Barnes. Now she's determined to lose her old reputation for being scatty and unreliable by proving herself as the treasurer of the local rodeo committee and making the forthcoming rodeo a huge success. Flushed with triumph on the evening of the best rodeo in the town's history, Amelia is driving the record proceeds into town when she becomes the victim of a terrifying crash and grab. Injured and distraught after her ordeal, she's even more devastated when she later finds out that she and Paul are the objects of gossip and suspicion in town. To prove her innocence and that of the man she loves, Amelia must convince a sceptical rural detective that her account of what happened does add up and that he must help her track down the real culprits..

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