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The Dark Horse of Shanghai

par Kent W. Sorensen

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The Dark Horse of Shanghai is a story of cultural clashes between the United States and China that takes Michael Crichton’s Rising Sun into the 21st century and plunges the reader through a maze of deeply-entrenched Chinese business traditions and back alley tactics most Americans cannot understand. On May 7, 1999, the U.S. deliberately bombs the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade during the Kosovo War. Six years later, Kip Duchene, a business icon in California known for turning troubled companies around, is prodded by his best friend, Sal Estrada, to join him in China to save Shanghai Shores, a failing housing development, and to discover the mystery of its imminent demise. From his first day on the job, he is handicapped from using his well-honed business skills and for good reasons: he doesn’t speak Mandarin, has no idea how Chinese think, and is unprepared to cope with widespread corruption. Rico Niu, a giant in the Chinese underworld, emerges as a deadly adversary willing to do anything to take over Shanghai Shores in his quest to revenge what happened in Belgrade. As Duchene begins to falter, help comes from the beautiful Angie Li, a savvy local who knows how to get things done in Shanghai. Working side-by-side, the unlikely pair plows headlong into one crisis after another while Duchene struggles with his growing attraction to her. When Rico Niu becomes frustrated with his take-over attempts, he gives the order to insure that Duchene makes the ultimate sacrifice—his life. Hearing about the setbacks at Shanghai Shores in the news, local people start calling the once heralded housing development, “Hei ma Shanghai”—The Dark Horse of Shanghai.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parprettymucharock, SadieSForsythe

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The Dark Horse of Shanghai is a story of cultural clashes between the United States and China that takes Michael Crichton’s Rising Sun into the 21st century and plunges the reader through a maze of deeply-entrenched Chinese business traditions and back alley tactics most Americans cannot understand. On May 7, 1999, the U.S. deliberately bombs the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade during the Kosovo War. Six years later, Kip Duchene, a business icon in California known for turning troubled companies around, is prodded by his best friend, Sal Estrada, to join him in China to save Shanghai Shores, a failing housing development, and to discover the mystery of its imminent demise. From his first day on the job, he is handicapped from using his well-honed business skills and for good reasons: he doesn’t speak Mandarin, has no idea how Chinese think, and is unprepared to cope with widespread corruption. Rico Niu, a giant in the Chinese underworld, emerges as a deadly adversary willing to do anything to take over Shanghai Shores in his quest to revenge what happened in Belgrade. As Duchene begins to falter, help comes from the beautiful Angie Li, a savvy local who knows how to get things done in Shanghai. Working side-by-side, the unlikely pair plows headlong into one crisis after another while Duchene struggles with his growing attraction to her. When Rico Niu becomes frustrated with his take-over attempts, he gives the order to insure that Duchene makes the ultimate sacrifice—his life. Hearing about the setbacks at Shanghai Shores in the news, local people start calling the once heralded housing development, “Hei ma Shanghai”—The Dark Horse of Shanghai.

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