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The Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever…

The Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever (édition 2007)

par Julia Quinn (Auteur)

Séries: Bevelstoke Trilogy (1)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1,817579,763 (3.67)49
Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

2 March 1810 . . . Today, I fell in love.

At the age of ten, Miranda Cheever showed no signs of Great Beauty. And even at ten, Miranda learned to accept the expectations society held for heruntil the afternoon when Nigel Bevelstoke, the handsome and dashing Viscount Turner, solemnly kissed her hand and promised her that one day she would grow into herself, that one day she would be as beautiful as she already was smart. And even at ten, Miranda knew she would love him forever.

But the years that followed were as cruel to Turner as they were kind to Miranda. She is as intriguing as the viscount boldly predicted on that memorable daywhile he is a lonely, bitter man, crushed by a devastating loss. But Miranda has never forgotten the truth she set down on paper all those years earlierand she will not allow the love that is her destiny to slip lightly through her fingers . . .

… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever
Auteurs:Julia Quinn (Auteur)
Info:Avon (2007), Edition: 1st Avon Books Ppbk Printing: July 2007, 384 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Les Carnets Secrets de Miranda par Julia Quinn


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» Voir aussi les 49 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 56 (suivant | tout afficher)
Piacevole e intrigante, con qualche descrizione di troppo e alcuni momenti di staticità che allungano forse un po’ troppo una storia, però, nel complesso buona. Due protagonisti, Miranda e Nigel, abbastanza particolari, lei innamorata sin da piccola di lui, fratello maggiore della sua amica del cuore. Quando si ritroveranno, anni dopo, lui è appena rimasto vedovo di una donna che si è rivelata ben diversa da quanto aveva creduto, è un uomo deluso e amareggiato e pieno di risentimenti. Cambiare e comprendere non sarà facile ma qualcosa di particolare esiste tra loro.
Un libro che nel complesso mi è piaciuto e che sarebbe stato perfetto con qualche sforbiciata qua e là. ( )
  Raffaella10 | Nov 16, 2023 |
❤️ Μιράντα Τσίβερ & Νάιτζελ Μπέβελστοκ (Τέρνερ) ❤️

Βιβλίο 1: [b:Το κρυφό πάθος της Μιράντα|40128087|Το κρυφό πάθος της Μιράντα|Julia Quinn||1790570]
Βιβλίο 2: [b:Έρωτας στο Λονδίνο|43793584|Έρωτας στο Λονδίνο (Bevelstoke, #2)|Julia Quinn||5574977]
Βιβλίο 3: [b:Όλα όσα αγαπώ σε σένα|45992118|Όλα όσα αγαπώ σε σένα (Bevelstoke, #3)|Julia Quinn||7184843] ( )
  Xenia_Pavlidou | Mar 31, 2023 |
Very cute and fun. ( )
  Catherinesque | Jan 25, 2023 |
As are all of Julia Quinn's books, this one is charming and fun. Miranda is a loveable heroine, and Turner is so nasty and tortured you just have to love him. Although he is certainly attracted to her, and she loves him dearly, you can't help but feel sorry for him when he's forced to marry her - convinced that marriage is evil and that it can never make him happy. Although Quinn turns to a rather overused plot device at the end, it still made me cry and tugged at my heart, so I suppose I can forgive her for using it. This book is cute and witty, like all of her other books, and I look forward to reading more! ( )
  Anniik | Nov 26, 2022 |
In the beginning, I really liked the characters and enjoyed the book. It began to go downhill during the scavengers' hunt at a country house, improved, and then collapsed completely when Turner followed Miranda to her grandparents home in Edinburgh.

I'm getting close to seventy, and I have always enjoyed historical novels and romances, Jane Austen, and Georgette Heyer. It is . . . interesting . . how authors so often shape the behavior of of historical characters to modern sexual mores, Not that there wasn't always a great deal of extramarital sex going on, but it generally didn't involve consensual relationships with well-bred young women. It was generally aristocratic men with lower-ranking women (consensual or not), and, in some eras, married women, especially if they had already provided their husband with the proverbial heir-and-a-spare. In this era, married women might have discreet affaires with men, but unmarried upper-class women had to be very careful of their reputation and avoid any hint of sexual behavior. Supposedly, being caught in a room with a closed door with an unrelated man was compromising, even if they were fully clothed.

For this reason, I have my doubts that a scavenger hunt pairing completely unsupervised men and virgins wondering off by themselves indoors and out would be acceptable. I think that the length of time between when someone last saw Miranda and Turner, and the time when they reappeared from the hunting lodge alone could have ruined her reputation. In the 20th century, especially after the sexual revolution, many authors, whether by their own choice or their publisher's demand, have to make sure to have at least on scene of graphic sex involving the courting couple prior to their getting married.

Then the pregnant Miranda flees to Edinburgh to the home of her maternal grandparents. Turner arrives and demands to marry her, even though she has miscarried, and begins manhandling and blackmailing her. There is no segue between these scenes and their marriage explaining why Miranda accepted him. Then begins a long, dull section where, despite their great passion, Miranda isn't sure that Turner loves her, and Turner is unable to utter the words "I love you" to her because of how traumatized he was by his first wife. This drags on much too long for me, and I gave up. ( )
  PuddinTame | Sep 21, 2022 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 56 (suivant | tout afficher)
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Quinn, Juliaauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Sterlin, JennyReaderauteur principalquelques éditionsconfirmé
Lingsminat, PetraÜbersetzerauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Recorded BooksPublisherauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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For all the people who tipped well at Friendly’s,
enabling me to save up for my first computer,
a Mac SE. (Sans hard drive—thanks, Dad!)

And also for Paul,
even though he has totally flaked on his promise
to turn said computer into a fishtank.
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At the age of ten, Miss Miranda Cheever showed no signs of Great Beauty.
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

2 March 1810 . . . Today, I fell in love.

At the age of ten, Miranda Cheever showed no signs of Great Beauty. And even at ten, Miranda learned to accept the expectations society held for heruntil the afternoon when Nigel Bevelstoke, the handsome and dashing Viscount Turner, solemnly kissed her hand and promised her that one day she would grow into herself, that one day she would be as beautiful as she already was smart. And even at ten, Miranda knew she would love him forever.

But the years that followed were as cruel to Turner as they were kind to Miranda. She is as intriguing as the viscount boldly predicted on that memorable daywhile he is a lonely, bitter man, crushed by a devastating loss. But Miranda has never forgotten the truth she set down on paper all those years earlierand she will not allow the love that is her destiny to slip lightly through her fingers . . .


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