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Loamhedge - A Tale From Redwall, Book 16 par…

Loamhedge - A Tale From Redwall, Book 16 (édition 2003)

par Brian Jacques (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
2,03578,352 (3.73)13
While a group of adventurers from Redwall seeks out the ancient abbey of Loamhedge in hopes of curing a young haremaid's paralysis, Redwall is besieged by vermin.
Titre:Loamhedge - A Tale From Redwall, Book 16
Auteurs:Brian Jacques (Auteur)
Info:Philomel Books (2003), Edition: First Edition, 424 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Le secret de Loumèges par Brian Jacques


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» Voir aussi les 13 mentions

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Loamhedge, the deserted Abbey, has been forgotten for countless seasons. What secrets do its ruins hold? When it becomes clear that wheelchair-bound Martha might be cured by a formula buried there, two old warriors are inspired by the spirit of Martin the Warrior himself to go on a quest for the ancient Abbey and three young rebels are determined to go with them. Meanwhile. the giant badger Lonna Bowstripe thirsts for vengeance as he relentlessly pursues Raga Bol and his murdering crew of Searats...who are on their way to attack Redwall itself. The valiant Abbeybeasts must defend their home, but how can they, when their boldest warriors are away on their quest? Will Redwall fall to vermin invaders at last?
  PlumfieldCH | Mar 21, 2024 |
I first read the Redwall books years ago and I still enjoy them when I recently re-read them. I love the world building and the creativity with which these animals were anthropomorphized. The level of description is really well done and very detailed. So adventurous and so very entertaining. ( )
  KateKat11 | Sep 24, 2021 |
In this book there are lots of parts, In the first part there's this badger Lonna Bowstripe. His foster father got killed in a battle with Raga Bol the searat captain so he vows to kill all searats in his crew . In the other part of the story is about a vermin gang. They go looking for Redwall Abbey for a magic sword, the sword of Martin the warrior ! But the Abbeybeasts won't let them in.The third Part of the story is of the defenders of Redwall .The main character in the Abbey is Martha a Haremaid who cannot walk. The fourth part of the story is about the quest for the cure for martha. The Main characters are a squirrel and an otter Bragoon and Saro. The final and fifth part of the story is about Raga Bol and how he is trying to flee from the badger Lonna. All parts lead to Redwall Abbey.

The book was amazing ! I cant believe the overall rating was a 3.68! This book was just right for me.
It had tons of action and fighting. The story was awesome as well.I love these books .I hope you do to. ( )
  adams.b1 | Oct 8, 2013 |
I enjoyed the journey, but had a tendancy to want to skim over descriptions in this story for some reason.
( )
  Colereising | Apr 3, 2013 |
Brian Jacques' Redwall books were a staple of my childhood reading and I remember hauling home three or four at a time from the library. It little mattered that the stories all shared the same basic plot and character types; they were adventurous and fun—and thick, to boot. While these stories were never quite favorites, I spent many hours with the entertaining inhabitants of Redwall Abbey. So I was looking forward to revisiting them through the full-cast audiobook recording, narrated by the author.

Unfortunately, the experience was not a success. I only made it through two discs (of twelve) before setting this aside. First off, the story takes forever to get going. We are introduced at great length to the latest set of Redwall dwellers and the vermin horde headed their way. The vermin horde undergoes no fewer than three changes in leadership (due to assassination) in the space of those two discs, and it gets a bit monotonous after awhile. And the Redwallers were more cutesy and juvenile than I remembered.

Plus, there are technical issues with the recording and the way Jacques narrates. Ordinarily I love the idea of an author narrating his own book, but Jacques sounds like he has a cold and his accent comes across as sloppy and indistinct, sometimes to the point where I had trouble understanding him. This is especially noticeable in the way he pronounces the ends of words; he half-swallows them. And I'm not sure where this was recorded, but there is an awful tinny sound on many of the voices, like they were recorded in a can. In addition, occasionally the audio spikes into distortion when the characters raise their voices. It was annoying to listen to. I probably wouldn't have cared if I listened to these as a kid, but I've picked up some niceties with my years and apparently a clean, clear recording is one of them.

I wonder if I would enjoy Redwall more if I revisited in print rather than audio. The plodding pace of nothing happening would be alleviated, the technical issues of the recording would be non-existent, and the repetitious characters and plots may be less noticeable. I'm reluctant to give up on my childhood reading pleasures so easily, and anyways I've been collecting quite a number of Redwall books over the years. No particular book of the series stands out in my memory; perhaps a fan can advise me as to one of the stronger titles. Ah well. ( )
2 voter atimco | Aug 17, 2011 |
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Brian Jacquesauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Elliot, DavidIllustrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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For my good friend Martha Buckley, who inspired my Martha.
For Heather Boyd, who cheered me from her hospital bed to mine.
To the memory of two brave warriors:
Nolan Wallace, who became Lonna Bowstripe,
and Eric Masato Takashige Boehm, who fought the good fight.
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Have you been travelling, my young friend? (prologue)
Lashing rain, driven by harsh biting winds from the sea, scoured the land from the bleak salt marshes to the stunted scrub forest.
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While a group of adventurers from Redwall seeks out the ancient abbey of Loamhedge in hopes of curing a young haremaid's paralysis, Redwall is besieged by vermin.

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Moyenne: (3.73)
1 4
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3 55
3.5 7
4 77
4.5 8
5 46

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