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Fang Zhaoling: 1914-2006

par S. J. Vainker

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The works of the remarkable artist, Fang Zhaoling, who died in 2006 at age 92, are found in the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, which was gifted with more than 40 of her works from her family, the University of Oregon museum, where she has lectured, the V & A, the Freer, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the British Museum, and the Ashmolean of the University of Oxford, among others. The artist, who painted in Oxford, is the subject of a breathtaking centenary exhibition of her calligraphy and paintings at the Ashmolean. This catalogue documents her prodigious output -- paintings and calligraphy done in China, Hong Kong, America and the U.K.. From private collections and from the Fang family collection, many have never before been on public display. The catalogue is doubly of interest because of Zhaoling's remarkable personal story, of life's ups and downs and of endurance. The artist received many honors during her lifetime, including the Tokyo Fuji Art Award, awards from the government of Hong Kong and an honorary doctorate degree from Sokya University, Tokyo. Contents: Director's Foreword; Foreword; Fang Zhaoling in England; Catalogue; Chronology; Bibliography.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parliao, baroquebird, rpeckham

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The works of the remarkable artist, Fang Zhaoling, who died in 2006 at age 92, are found in the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, which was gifted with more than 40 of her works from her family, the University of Oregon museum, where she has lectured, the V & A, the Freer, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the British Museum, and the Ashmolean of the University of Oxford, among others. The artist, who painted in Oxford, is the subject of a breathtaking centenary exhibition of her calligraphy and paintings at the Ashmolean. This catalogue documents her prodigious output -- paintings and calligraphy done in China, Hong Kong, America and the U.K.. From private collections and from the Fang family collection, many have never before been on public display. The catalogue is doubly of interest because of Zhaoling's remarkable personal story, of life's ups and downs and of endurance. The artist received many honors during her lifetime, including the Tokyo Fuji Art Award, awards from the government of Hong Kong and an honorary doctorate degree from Sokya University, Tokyo. Contents: Director's Foreword; Foreword; Fang Zhaoling in England; Catalogue; Chronology; Bibliography.

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