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Fibromyalgia Syndrome (Oxford Rheumatology Library)

par Ernest Choy

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Part of the Oxford Rheumatology Library, the second edition of Fibromyalgia Syndrome provides a succinct and practical guide to help rheumatologists and general practitioners diagnose and manage patients with fibromyalgia syndrome. The emphasis throughout is on tailoring treatment to theindividual patient, and considering a combination of education, non-pharmacological, and pharmacological treatments. This comprehensive approach improves symptoms and quality of life in all those treated for FMS, benefitting not only patients but also healthcare providers and society.Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) afflicts 2-5% of the population, more commonly females than males. It is characterised by chronic widespread pain, although fatigue, sleep disturbance, depression, anxiety, stiffness, and cognitive dysfunction are also common. National and international societiesrecognise the healthcare burden of FMS, and published recommendations and guidelines emphasise the importance of a positive diagnosis and management strategy to empower patients to cope with FMS.Now updated with new ACR criteria and additional international guidelines on the management of the syndrome, this pocketbook provides the reader with an essential understanding of the pathophysiology of pain in fibromyalgia, the different subtypes of fibromyalgia, and the pitfalls in diagnosis andmanagement of this chronic condition.… (plus d'informations)

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Part of the Oxford Rheumatology Library, the second edition of Fibromyalgia Syndrome provides a succinct and practical guide to help rheumatologists and general practitioners diagnose and manage patients with fibromyalgia syndrome. The emphasis throughout is on tailoring treatment to theindividual patient, and considering a combination of education, non-pharmacological, and pharmacological treatments. This comprehensive approach improves symptoms and quality of life in all those treated for FMS, benefitting not only patients but also healthcare providers and society.Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) afflicts 2-5% of the population, more commonly females than males. It is characterised by chronic widespread pain, although fatigue, sleep disturbance, depression, anxiety, stiffness, and cognitive dysfunction are also common. National and international societiesrecognise the healthcare burden of FMS, and published recommendations and guidelines emphasise the importance of a positive diagnosis and management strategy to empower patients to cope with FMS.Now updated with new ACR criteria and additional international guidelines on the management of the syndrome, this pocketbook provides the reader with an essential understanding of the pathophysiology of pain in fibromyalgia, the different subtypes of fibromyalgia, and the pitfalls in diagnosis andmanagement of this chronic condition.

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