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Our Powerful Planet: The Curious Kid's Guide to Tornadoes, Earthquakes, and other Phenomena

par Tim O'Shei

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Readers will learn about environmental phenomena and natural disasters through kid-friendly language and bold, colorful images. In addition to giving the basics about "extreme weather," the author also discusses how changes in the Earth's environment are affecting these powerful phenomena. Our Powerful Planet begins by examining how climates create and affect weather, and then gives a close-up look at the science behind some of the most common phenomena (like thunderstorms), some of the most destructive phenomena (like hurricanes and floods), and some of the most rare and mysterious phenomena (like rogue waves). The book is divided into into sections by phenomena, and each chapter includes a "Meteorologist" character, which explains different types of scientists and the tools they use; "Phenomenal Facts," which give readers interesting and little-known tidbits of information; and a "Global Warming" box, which shows how changes in the Earth's environment affect each phenomena. A glossary of terms is included. Author Tim O'Shei explains the symbiotic relationship we have with our planet: the Earth's power affects us, and we also have the power to impact the Earth. He concludes by giving examples of ways to "be a powerful person on our planet," focusing on how to reduce C02 production on a daily basis.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parWisenerd, gibcat

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Readers will learn about environmental phenomena and natural disasters through kid-friendly language and bold, colorful images. In addition to giving the basics about "extreme weather," the author also discusses how changes in the Earth's environment are affecting these powerful phenomena. Our Powerful Planet begins by examining how climates create and affect weather, and then gives a close-up look at the science behind some of the most common phenomena (like thunderstorms), some of the most destructive phenomena (like hurricanes and floods), and some of the most rare and mysterious phenomena (like rogue waves). The book is divided into into sections by phenomena, and each chapter includes a "Meteorologist" character, which explains different types of scientists and the tools they use; "Phenomenal Facts," which give readers interesting and little-known tidbits of information; and a "Global Warming" box, which shows how changes in the Earth's environment affect each phenomena. A glossary of terms is included. Author Tim O'Shei explains the symbiotic relationship we have with our planet: the Earth's power affects us, and we also have the power to impact the Earth. He concludes by giving examples of ways to "be a powerful person on our planet," focusing on how to reduce C02 production on a daily basis.

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