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Since She Went Away par David Bell

Since She Went Away (édition 2016)

par David Bell (Auteur)

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19326145,987 (3.63)1
Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. Three months earlier, Jenna Springer was supposed to meet her lifelong best friend Celia. But when Jenna arrived late, she found that Celia had disappeared-and hasn't been seen again. Jenna has blamed herself for her friend's disappearance every single day since then. The only piece of evidence is a lone diamond earring found where Celia and Jenna were planning to meet, leading the national media to dub Celia "The Diamond Mom." And even though Jenna has obsessively surfed message boards devoted to missing persons cases, she is no closer to finding any answers-or easing her guilt. But when her son's new girlfriend-who suddenly arrived in town without a past-disappears, a stricken Jenna begins to unwind the tangled truth behind Celia's tragedy. And as long-buried secrets finally come to light, she discovers how completely lives can be shattered by a few simple lies.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Since She Went Away
Auteurs:David Bell (Auteur)
Info:Berkley (2016), Edition: First Edition, 432 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Since She Went Away par David Bell


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  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
Very good! Kept me guessing to the end. ( )
  RobertaLea | Sep 3, 2020 |
This was quite the thrilling mystery. Several murders/missing people happen in one small town. Are they all connected? And everything happens around Jane and her son Jared. I did not fully understand how everything was going to fit together but it really did. I would have liked to find out the result to the guilty party but it still worked fine. ( )
  vickimarie2002 | Feb 19, 2020 |
This is a story about a woman, Jenna, who was supposed to meet her best friend one night. Jenna was late to the meeting, and Celia, the friend, has gone missing. Other people disappear, and Jenna's guilt threatens to crush her. She tries to make amends with Ian, Celia's husband, and Ursula, Celia's daughter. In the meantime, Jenna's 15-year old son, Jared, is having difficulties of his own. At times, I thought the writing was a bit juvenile, but the story was interesting. There were some twists and turns, but none that you couldn't figure out, or see coming.
( )
  rmarcin | Jan 22, 2019 |
It was a quick read! Although, I don't feel it was as good as some of his others. It was still a good book but I felt it was maybe a bit more rushed. ( )
  Chelz286 | Aug 26, 2018 |
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Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. Three months earlier, Jenna Springer was supposed to meet her lifelong best friend Celia. But when Jenna arrived late, she found that Celia had disappeared-and hasn't been seen again. Jenna has blamed herself for her friend's disappearance every single day since then. The only piece of evidence is a lone diamond earring found where Celia and Jenna were planning to meet, leading the national media to dub Celia "The Diamond Mom." And even though Jenna has obsessively surfed message boards devoted to missing persons cases, she is no closer to finding any answers-or easing her guilt. But when her son's new girlfriend-who suddenly arrived in town without a past-disappears, a stricken Jenna begins to unwind the tangled truth behind Celia's tragedy. And as long-buried secrets finally come to light, she discovers how completely lives can be shattered by a few simple lies.

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