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Becoming Nicole: The Transformation of an…

Becoming Nicole: The Transformation of an American Family (original 2015; édition 2015)

par Amy Ellis Nutt (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
5542245,210 (4.18)26
Biography & Autobiography. LGBTQIA+ (Nonfiction.) Sociology. Nonfiction. HTML:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The inspiring true story of transgender actor and activist Nicole Maines, whose identical twin brother, Jonas, and ordinary American family join her on an extraordinary journey to understand, nurture, and celebrate the uniqueness in us all.

Nicole appears as TV’s first transgender superhero on CW’s Supergirl

When Wayne and Kelly Maines adopted identical twin boys, they thought their lives were complete. But by the time Jonas and Wyatt were toddlers, confusion over Wyatt’s insistence that he was female began to tear the family apart. In the years that followed, the Maineses came to question their long-held views on gender and identity, to accept Wyatt’s transition to Nicole, and to undergo a wrenching transformation of their own, the effects of which would reverberate through their entire community. Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Amy Ellis Nutt spent almost four years reporting this story and tells it with unflinching honesty, intimacy, and empathy. In her hands, Becoming Nicole is more than an account of a courageous girl and her extraordinary family. It’s a powerful portrait of a slowly but surely changing nation, and one that will inspire all of us to see the world with a little more humanity and understanding.
Named One of the Ten Best Books of the Year by People • One of the Best Books of the Year by The New York Times Book Review and Men’s Journal • A Stonewall Honor Book in Nonfiction • Finalist for the Lambda Literary Award for Transgender Nonfiction
“Fascinating and enlightening.”—Cheryl Strayed
“If you aren’t moved by Becoming Nicole, I’d suggest there’s a lump of dark matter where your heart should be.”The New York Times
“Exceptional . . . ‘Stories move the walls that need to be moved,’ Nicole told her father last year. In telling Nicole’s story and those of her brother and parents luminously, and with great compassion and intelligence, that is exactly what Amy Ellis Nutt has done here.”The Washington Post
“A profoundly moving true story about one remarkable family’s evolution.”People
Becoming Nicole is a miracle. It’s the story of a family struggling with—and embracing—a transgender child. But more than that, it’s about accepting one another, and ourselves, in all our messy, contradictory glory.”—Jennifer Finney Boylan, former co-chair of GLAAD and author of She’s Not There: A Life in Two Genders.
… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Becoming Nicole: The Transformation of an American Family
Auteurs:Amy Ellis Nutt (Auteur)
Info:Random House Inc (2015), 279 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Becoming Nicole: The Transformation of an American Family par Amy Ellis Nutt (2015)

  1. 00
    Raising My Rainbow: Adventures in Raising a Fabulous, Gender Creative Son par Lori Duron (Micheller7)
  2. 00
    I Promised Not to Tell: Raising a transgender child par Cheryl B. Evans (Utilisateur anonyme)
    Utilisateur anonyme: A deeply person story told from by the mother of a transgender child (FTM). This heartfelt true story follows one child from birth though age 18 and gives the read a real sense of what a family goes through in helping a child transition genders. Everything is discussed including hormone replacement, surgeries, dating, legal issues and so much more. One reviewer had this to say: "I was highly impressed with Evans' story and found myself cheering on her and her husband as they supported their son through each step of his transition journey. Evans writes beautifully, and her accounts of Jordan's and their lives is authentic and moving. I'm hoping that I Promised Not to Tell will be an invaluable guide to those parents who find themselves in the same position that Evans and her husband did. I Promised Not to Tell: Raising a Transgender Child is a bright light showing the way to acceptance through knowledge, understanding and love, and it's most highly recommended." Jack Magnus for Reader's Favorite - Another 5 Star Review… (plus d'informations)
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» Voir aussi les 26 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 22 (suivant | tout afficher)
Lots of scientific info and this family’s journey. ( )
  cathy.lemann | Mar 21, 2023 |
This was terrific. The combination of narrative reporting about the journey of Nicole and her family, and the more straightforward reporting on the science and politics of transgender and LGBT issues, complemented each other quite well. The narrative part of this book reminded me a lot of [b:This Is How It Always Is|40409102|This Is How It Always Is|Laurie Frankel||49038755], a fictional story of a family coming to terms with a transgender child. I think the decision, in this book, to focus on family dynamics was the right one, as it reveals that Nicole's story wasn't hers alone, and couldn't have happened without the entire family's love and support. This is a heartwarming and inspiring book, highly recommended for anyone who wants to begin to understand cultural discussions around issues of gender and identity. ( )
  RandyRasa | Sep 1, 2022 |
An excellent read. ( )
  DebCushman | Aug 25, 2022 |
Round Bay Book Club 2021//22 ( )
  LoisCK | Jan 21, 2022 |
This book reads like a text for high-schoolers. It was informative and interesting, but not especially moving. ( )
  klnbennett | Oct 7, 2020 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 22 (suivant | tout afficher)
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Amy Ellis Nuttauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Bachman, Barbara M.Concepteurauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Bordwin, GabrielleConcepteur de la couvertureauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Payne, EricArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Campbell, KellyArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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What we have not had to decipher, to elucidate by our own efforts, what was clear before we looked at it, is not ours. From ourselves comes only that which we drag forth from obscurity which lies within us, that which to others is unknown.  --Marcel Proust, Time Regained
The stream of continuing creation flowed through his blood, and he could go on and on changing forever and ever. He became deer, he became fish, he became human and Serpent, cloud and bird. In each new shape he was whole, was a pair, held moon and sun, man and wife inside him. He flowed as a twin river through the lands, shone as a double star in the firmament. --Hermann Hesse, "Pictor's Metamorphoses"
Omnia mutantur ("All things are changed") --Metamorphoses
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For Kelly, Wayne, Jonas, and Nicole
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The child is mesmerized.
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Biography & Autobiography. LGBTQIA+ (Nonfiction.) Sociology. Nonfiction. HTML:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The inspiring true story of transgender actor and activist Nicole Maines, whose identical twin brother, Jonas, and ordinary American family join her on an extraordinary journey to understand, nurture, and celebrate the uniqueness in us all.

Nicole appears as TV’s first transgender superhero on CW’s Supergirl

When Wayne and Kelly Maines adopted identical twin boys, they thought their lives were complete. But by the time Jonas and Wyatt were toddlers, confusion over Wyatt’s insistence that he was female began to tear the family apart. In the years that followed, the Maineses came to question their long-held views on gender and identity, to accept Wyatt’s transition to Nicole, and to undergo a wrenching transformation of their own, the effects of which would reverberate through their entire community. Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Amy Ellis Nutt spent almost four years reporting this story and tells it with unflinching honesty, intimacy, and empathy. In her hands, Becoming Nicole is more than an account of a courageous girl and her extraordinary family. It’s a powerful portrait of a slowly but surely changing nation, and one that will inspire all of us to see the world with a little more humanity and understanding.
Named One of the Ten Best Books of the Year by People • One of the Best Books of the Year by The New York Times Book Review and Men’s Journal • A Stonewall Honor Book in Nonfiction • Finalist for the Lambda Literary Award for Transgender Nonfiction
“Fascinating and enlightening.”—Cheryl Strayed
“If you aren’t moved by Becoming Nicole, I’d suggest there’s a lump of dark matter where your heart should be.”The New York Times
“Exceptional . . . ‘Stories move the walls that need to be moved,’ Nicole told her father last year. In telling Nicole’s story and those of her brother and parents luminously, and with great compassion and intelligence, that is exactly what Amy Ellis Nutt has done here.”The Washington Post
“A profoundly moving true story about one remarkable family’s evolution.”People
Becoming Nicole is a miracle. It’s the story of a family struggling with—and embracing—a transgender child. But more than that, it’s about accepting one another, and ourselves, in all our messy, contradictory glory.”—Jennifer Finney Boylan, former co-chair of GLAAD and author of She’s Not There: A Life in Two Genders.

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