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A Court of Mist and Fury par Sarah J. Maas

A Court of Mist and Fury (original 2016; édition 2020)

par Sarah J. Maas (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
10,735294692 (4.47)82
"En se transformant en fae, Feyre est devenue immortelle sans pour autant perdre sa sensibilité humaine et oublier ses amis. En côtoyant Rhysand, aux côtés duquel elle doit rester une semaine par mois, elle apprend à maîtriser ses nouveaux pouvoirs mais découvre aussi la véritable nature de celui qu'elle croyait cruel et manipulateur." (… (plus d'informations)
Titre:A Court of Mist and Fury
Auteurs:Sarah J. Maas (Auteur)
Info:Bloomsbury Publishing (2020), Edition: Reprint, 656 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

A Court of Mist and Fury par Sarah J. Maas (2016)

Récemment ajouté parVesinia37, Ashley.Hamboyan
  1. 20
    Fourth Wing par Rebecca Yarros (Corinne-pixel)
    Corinne-pixel: The Tamlin vs Rhys dynamic is similar to the Dain vs Xaden dynamic in this one
  2. 00
    The Perilous Gard par Elizabeth Marie Pope (writard)
    writard: The Tam Lin story

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» Voir aussi les 82 mentions

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Affichage de 1-5 de 285 (suivant | tout afficher)
I enjoyed the flirtation in this story. I was on team Rhys since this first story so I was happy about the relationship development in this second book. I wasn't a fan of how the story ended. I'm not happy that Feyre is back at the Spring Court. But I am interested to see what happens next. ( )
  boredness | Sep 13, 2024 |
To be honest, I've expected much more. The first third was good and then we got to that part with Feyre training and doing quests and it was just so boring. Luckily, the last third saved the day. First with the revelation of the mating bond then the twists at the end.
Unlike the first book, it doesn't rely to heavily on the original text, which is, in this case, the myth of Hades and Persephone.

Fayre still remains my favorite character. Tamlin was just weak and boring in the first novel and now, in addition to that, he's also a selfish bastard. I wished Lucien was more in this novel, but he's still nice. I disliked Rhysand in the first book, but now I'm growing to like him.
I like Mor, Asriel and Cassian, they saved those boring chapters.

So let's hope the third book saves the series.
First book 4/5
Second book 3.2/5 ( )
  aljosa95 | Aug 23, 2024 |
This is the first that I ever rated so low to three stars. I love the book so much but it got a little to difficult to keep up, I got a whole lotta confused while reading I literally couldn't understand shit. The only thing that made the book bearable was Rhys and Feyre's love story and the drama with Tamlin. And I probably continued the book in hopes that the next is better and also for the fact that I didn't want to end the with feyre saying "And so Tamlin unwittingly led the High Lady of the Night Court into the heart of his territory." Of course after someone says something like that you gotta continue!! But either way my point is it was really hard to keep up and I couldn't understand shit but hopefully "ACOWAR" is much better ( )
  Emma_200 | Aug 5, 2024 |
why did this take me an entire month to finish. halfway thru i was HONESTLY lost on what they were even doing…what is this book they’re looking for?? why are we traveling?? it just dragged on and i could only read in pieces.

it’s a great series so far, i think it’s just important to get a break between them. it was good. still, the sex wasn’t as riveting as it was hyped up to be but that was fine. kind of excited for feyre’s trickery towards tamlin though! i always thought he was boring asf anyway ( )
  yosistachrista | Jul 22, 2024 |
I genuinely liked this one more than the first. I’m not like obsessed with it, but it’s just very easy to read and digest? Like, the world building is fairly simple and the storyline is pretty straightforward. Although I’m ngl, I kinda dislike the fact that the slowburn between rhys and Feyre is already over. The thing I loved most about them was like the flirting and playing games and not admitting things, just in general the tension between them? And I think it’s rlly gonna bum me out im the next books that their tension is already over. Since I’m not that interested in the relationships of the others fksndidndkd. Anyway, an enjoyable read, don’t regret reading it on recommendation of my friends. ( )
  Liesl. | Jul 9, 2024 |
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Sarah J. Maasauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Ikeda, JenniferNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Ratchford, PattiConcepteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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For Josh and Annie - my own Court of Dreams
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Maybe I'd always been broken and dark inside.
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"En se transformant en fae, Feyre est devenue immortelle sans pour autant perdre sa sensibilité humaine et oublier ses amis. En côtoyant Rhysand, aux côtés duquel elle doit rester une semaine par mois, elle apprend à maîtriser ses nouveaux pouvoirs mais découvre aussi la véritable nature de celui qu'elle croyait cruel et manipulateur." (

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