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Let Fury Have the Hour: Joe Strummer, Punk,…

Let Fury Have the Hour: Joe Strummer, Punk, and the Movement that Shook the World (édition 2012)

par Antonino D'Ambrosio (Auteur)

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Joe Strummer's untimely death at the age of fifty in December 2002 took from us one of the truly unique voices of modern music. The quintessential Rude Boy, punker, rebel musician, artist and activist, Strummer wrote some of the most important and influential music of the last century including "Guns of Brixton," "The Washington Bullets," "Spanish Bombs," "White Man in Hammersmith Palace," "London's Burning," "Lost in the Supermarket," and "Garageland." Effectively melding raw creativity with radical politics, Strummer transformed punk rock from its early associations with reactionary, right wing and nihilistic politics into a social movement. From Rock Against Racism to the Anti-Nazi League Festival to supporting the H-Block protests, Strummer and The Clash led the charge for human rights. Let Fury Have the Hour collects articles, interviews, essays and reviews that chronicle Strummer's life both as a musician and a political activist. Included in this collection are essays and interviews by Antonino D'Ambrosio, alongside contributions from Peter Silverton, Barry Miles, Anya Philips, Sylvia Simmons, Vic Garbarini, Caroline Coons, Todd Martens, Joel Schalit and others. This book also includes original lyrics, photography, art, posters, and flyers, and offers the first serious examination of the life of this extraordinary man.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Let Fury Have the Hour: Joe Strummer, Punk, and the Movement that Shook the World
Auteurs:Antonino D'Ambrosio (Auteur)
Info:Bold Type Books (2012), Edition: 2, 408 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Let Fury Have the Hour: The Punk Rock Politics of Joe Strummer par Antonino D'Ambrosio


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I wasn't expecting reprints of previously published articles about thhe Clash and Joe Strummer, and that's the price I pay for the way I choose books. I try not to go too deep into it and just pick up what strikes me in the moment. Because it is so many different writers and writing styles I found that certain essays kept my interest and others were not interesting enough to me to keep me reading. I found myself doing other things to avoid having to plow through and finish the particular essay before I gave myself permission to skip those and go on to the next. I don't have the political and philosophical depth of knowledge for some of the sections. And each section got a little repetitive on certain facts since each was meant to stand alone. But overall I learned some things I didn't know about this band and lead singer and his after Clash projects that I didn't know and I did find those aspects enlightening and enjoyable. Page 289 says it best: " don't need a poly-sci degree to relate to what he's saying." But I felt like I did need one for some of these sections. ( )
  Ivegotzooms | May 8, 2013 |
OK, so their politics were naive at times, and their message was occasionally diffuse—like Strummer himself says in one of the collected articles that run the gamut here from the heart-felt to the pedantic—”at least we tried.” Damn straight. ( )
  railarson | Feb 21, 2008 |
pretty good. the articles are very interesting. if you love joe strummer pick it up. if you don't love joe strummer there is something wrong with you. ( )
  sadiebooks | Jul 21, 2007 |
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Joe Strummer's untimely death at the age of fifty in December 2002 took from us one of the truly unique voices of modern music. The quintessential Rude Boy, punker, rebel musician, artist and activist, Strummer wrote some of the most important and influential music of the last century including "Guns of Brixton," "The Washington Bullets," "Spanish Bombs," "White Man in Hammersmith Palace," "London's Burning," "Lost in the Supermarket," and "Garageland." Effectively melding raw creativity with radical politics, Strummer transformed punk rock from its early associations with reactionary, right wing and nihilistic politics into a social movement. From Rock Against Racism to the Anti-Nazi League Festival to supporting the H-Block protests, Strummer and The Clash led the charge for human rights. Let Fury Have the Hour collects articles, interviews, essays and reviews that chronicle Strummer's life both as a musician and a political activist. Included in this collection are essays and interviews by Antonino D'Ambrosio, alongside contributions from Peter Silverton, Barry Miles, Anya Philips, Sylvia Simmons, Vic Garbarini, Caroline Coons, Todd Martens, Joel Schalit and others. This book also includes original lyrics, photography, art, posters, and flyers, and offers the first serious examination of the life of this extraordinary man.

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