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Love on a Deadline: An August Wedding Story…

Love on a Deadline: An August Wedding Story (A Year of Weddings Novella Book 9) (édition 2015)

par Kathryn Springer (Auteur)

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They've helped orchestrate the perfect day for countless couples. Now twelve new couples will find themselves in the wedding spotlight in the second Year of Weddings novella collection. MacKenzie thought writing wedding stories was beneath her journalistic abilities. Until one love story rekindled an old flame and opened her heart to love once more. MacKenzie "Mac" Davis left her hometown of Red Leaf, Wisconsin, ten years ago, and she never looked back. But when her father, beloved Coach Davis, suffers a mild heart attack, she returns home for an extended visit. It means taking a job at the local newspaper, where the biggest news story is the return of Hollis Channing to marry her celebrity fiancé, but Mac would do anything to make sure her dad takes care of himself. She just didn't know that would include spending extended time with her high school crush, Ethan Channing, brother of the bride and the boy who broke her heart. When Ethan Channing offered to help his sister plan her fast wedding, he had no idea what a big production it would be. Nor what a dilapidated state their old family home would be in. But when he catches Mac trying to take pictures of the house for an article she's writing, he ropes her in to helping him. It's hard to believe the tomboy coach's daughter he remembers from high school has turned into this beautiful fire ball of a woman. And he has to admit he doesn't mind needing her help in planning the wedding of a lifetime. It's been ten years since they've seen each other. And ten years is a long time. But is it long enough to repair broken hearts and turn old high school crushes into love?… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Love on a Deadline: An August Wedding Story (A Year of Weddings Novella Book 9)
Auteurs:Kathryn Springer (Auteur)
Info:Zondervan (2015), 88 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Love on a Deadline: An August Wedding Story (A Year of Weddings Novella 2, #9) par Kathryn Springer


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They've helped orchestrate the perfect day for countless couples. Now twelve new couples will find themselves in the wedding spotlight in the second Year of Weddings novella collection. MacKenzie thought writing wedding stories was beneath her journalistic abilities. Until one love story rekindled an old flame and opened her heart to love once more. MacKenzie "Mac" Davis left her hometown of Red Leaf, Wisconsin, ten years ago, and she never looked back. But when her father, beloved Coach Davis, suffers a mild heart attack, she returns home for an extended visit. It means taking a job at the local newspaper, where the biggest news story is the return of Hollis Channing to marry her celebrity fiancé, but Mac would do anything to make sure her dad takes care of himself. She just didn't know that would include spending extended time with her high school crush, Ethan Channing, brother of the bride and the boy who broke her heart. When Ethan Channing offered to help his sister plan her fast wedding, he had no idea what a big production it would be. Nor what a dilapidated state their old family home would be in. But when he catches Mac trying to take pictures of the house for an article she's writing, he ropes her in to helping him. It's hard to believe the tomboy coach's daughter he remembers from high school has turned into this beautiful fire ball of a woman. And he has to admit he doesn't mind needing her help in planning the wedding of a lifetime. It's been ten years since they've seen each other. And ten years is a long time. But is it long enough to repair broken hearts and turn old high school crushes into love?

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