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One Year After: A John Matherson Novel (A…

One Year After: A John Matherson Novel (A John Matherson Novel, 2) (édition 2016)

par William R. Forstchen (Auteur)

Séries: John Matherson (2)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
5771843,106 (3.67)6
"Months before publication, William R. Forstchen's One Second After was cited on the floor of Congress as a book all Americans should read. Hundreds of thousands of people have read the tale. One Year After is the thrilling follow-up to that smash hit. The story picks up a year after One Second After ends, two years since the detonation of nuclear weapons above the United States brought America to its knees. After suffering starvation, war, and countless deaths, the survivors of Black Mountain, North Carolina, are beginning to piece back together the technologies they had once taken for granted: electricity, radio communications, and medications. They cling to the hope that a new national government is finally emerging. Then comes word that most of the young men and women of the community are to be drafted into an "Army of National Recovery" and sent to trouble spots hundreds of miles away. When town administrator John Matherson protests the draft, he's offered a deal: leave Black Mountain and enter national service, and the draft will be reduced. But the brutal suppression of a neighboring community under its new federal administrator and the troops accompanying him suggests that all is not as it should be with this burgeoning government"--… (plus d'informations)
Titre:One Year After: A John Matherson Novel (A John Matherson Novel, 2)
Auteurs:William R. Forstchen (Auteur)
Info:Forge Books (2016), Edition: Reprint, 448 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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One Year After par William R. Forstchen


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» Voir aussi les 6 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 18 (suivant | tout afficher)
Not as good as the first book, unfortunately. ( )
  atrillox | Nov 27, 2023 |
FROM AMAZON: The thrilling follow-up to the New York Times best-selling novel One Second After.

Months before publication, One Second After was cited on the floor of Congress as a book all Americans should have, a book discussed in the corridors of the Pentagon as a truly realistic look at the dangers of EMPs. An EMP is a weapon with the power to destroy the entire United States in a single act of terrorism in a single second; Indeed, it is a weapon that the Wall Street Journal warns could shatter America. One Second After was a dire warning of what might be our future... and our end.

One Year After returns to the small town of Black Mountain and the man who struggled to rebuild it in the wake of devastation: John Matherson. It is a thrilling follow-up and should delight fans in every way. ( )
  Gmomaj | May 17, 2023 |
Fabulous second book in the John Matherson series. I highly recommend this series. ( )
  silva_44 | Dec 12, 2022 |
Hyper-conservative dystopian novel that is virtually unreadable. ( )
  fwbl | Aug 20, 2022 |
No NO NOO! The first book was so good - survival, disaster, the will to survive. The second book is power and control, nothing thrilling there. ( )
  xKayx | Dec 14, 2020 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 18 (suivant | tout afficher)
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William R. Forstchenauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Pinchot, BronsonNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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"Months before publication, William R. Forstchen's One Second After was cited on the floor of Congress as a book all Americans should read. Hundreds of thousands of people have read the tale. One Year After is the thrilling follow-up to that smash hit. The story picks up a year after One Second After ends, two years since the detonation of nuclear weapons above the United States brought America to its knees. After suffering starvation, war, and countless deaths, the survivors of Black Mountain, North Carolina, are beginning to piece back together the technologies they had once taken for granted: electricity, radio communications, and medications. They cling to the hope that a new national government is finally emerging. Then comes word that most of the young men and women of the community are to be drafted into an "Army of National Recovery" and sent to trouble spots hundreds of miles away. When town administrator John Matherson protests the draft, he's offered a deal: leave Black Mountain and enter national service, and the draft will be reduced. But the brutal suppression of a neighboring community under its new federal administrator and the troops accompanying him suggests that all is not as it should be with this burgeoning government"--

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