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The Last of the Firedrakes (Avalonia…

The Last of the Firedrakes (Avalonia Chronicles) (édition 2015)

par Farah Oomerbhoy (Auteur)

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16-year-old Aurora Darlington is an orphan. Mistreated by her adopted family and bullied at school, she dreams of running away and being free. But when she is kidnapped and dragged through a portal into a magical world, suddenly her old life doesn't seem so bad. Avalonia is a dangerous land ruled by powerful mages and a cruel, selfish queen who will do anything to control all seven kingdoms--including killing anyone who stands in her way.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Last of the Firedrakes (Avalonia Chronicles)
Auteurs:Farah Oomerbhoy (Auteur)
Info:Wise Ink Creative Publishing (2015), 488 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The Last of the Firedrakes par Farah Oomerbhoy


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  spiritedstardust | Dec 29, 2022 |

When I first heard this book was on Wattpad, I got excited! I am a Wattpad writer as well, though more unknown due to the fact that I deleted over half of my books on my account. I have a bit of a problem keeping up with my WIPs.

Anyway, back on topic. This book was everything I expected it to be. It had realistic elements in a fantasy world, and on top of that, it also had a different system of magic. When talking about fantasy books, I feel that they all should have a different magic system. It makes them all a lot more special and unique from other books when they differ.

Farah Oomerbhoy really astounded me with this first book. I loved how the real and fantasy worlds were connected in this book. I loved the tapestry ideas and how everything was laid out. This is one fantasy book I won't forget for a long time, and I hope to pick up the second book soon!

Here is a list of things I liked about the characters:

AURORA - Going from being a bullied and feeble girl, this character surely built herself up in this book. Though she was a little boy crazy and often depended on someone to save her, she thinks about the greater good and focuses on the situation at hand. She was confident in who she could be and who she already was, and I LOVED how she fought back about her appearance. It always makes me happy to see someone else happy with how they look. Her character development throughout this entire book was splendid, and I can't wait to see what she does in the next one.

THE BLACK WOLF - This character was very mysterious, and we were always left wondering who he really was other than just the Black Wolf or Rafe. He and Aurora had amazing plot values, and I loved how he was always showing up at random moments. There will be a big reveal about who he actually is in this book, and for me, it wasn't surprising. I actually saw it coming after I pieced two and two together. That's one thing I didn't like in this story that I wish would have had a different take. I dislike being able to know who is actually who, and I wish the author would have done this differently.

THE DUKE OF SILVERTHORNE - This character was actually a big help to the story. I feel like, had he not been added in, Aurora would have probably been left to figure things out on her own. As her great uncle, it's his duty to kind of take her in and make sure that she has what she needs. After all, Aurora's parents--though we already know this from the synopsis--are dead, and he is one of the only family members she has left.

All of the characters in this book had amazing character development and a gift for the plot, but these were the main three that I noticed throughout the story.

To wrap this up, I want to say that I loved this story. Though, there were still a few things I didn't like that I will mention; I didn't like how some of the parts of the book, particularly ones where Aurora was being saved over and over again because she couldn't help herself. I feel like, even without any training, us women are able to kick and scream or something of the sort. To me, it felt like Aurora just froze up half the time, save for that one instance with her adoptive uncle. I also didn't like how she was entirely boy crazy throughout the entire book. It seemed to me that she was thinking about Rafe half the time, and I'm not saying that's not realistic because it is, but that is a trope that is so overly used that it becomes very annoying.

Because of all of this, I give the book 3.9/5 stars. I would have given it 4/5, had one of the things I didn't like changed throughout the book instead of keeping the same pace. I do still recommend that you read this story; it is worth your time and definitely a good fantasy. ( )
  booking_belle | Nov 8, 2019 |
Aurora thought her life was difficult as a twice orphan and as a teenager.. That is until she went o a sudden vacation with her guardians to a beautiful manor and was dragged through a portal by a very scary stranger!
Aurora arrived in a fantastical land where it seems nothing is impossible. Why are so many trying to kill her? Will her new friends be able to save her? Is she capable of becoming great?
This book has constant action! It varies between monsters, fantasy creatures and a sense of "Robin Hood".
The characters become so real, it is hard to maintain it is a fantasy novel. They are very diversified and creative. You will truly love some and really despise others.
The settings are descriptive and easily visualized. The Cover and Title are very well-chosen and eye-catching
There is a bonding of friendships, deceit, betrayals, suspense, intrigue, romance and a tough of humor.
There is some graphic violence but not to the extreme.. The ending is complete yet leaves the reader yearning for the next book of the series.
I highly recommend this to Young Adults and Adults, alike. This will surely become a movie series. ( )
  LAWonder10 | Mar 26, 2019 |
This review is posted on my blog

I received this book as an advanced reading copy through Netgally from Wise Ink Creative Publishing and before I say anything I would like to say a big thank you to them for allowing me to read this book.

The long asked question of 'what to read after Harry Potter' has been answered, as long as you don't mind a bit of déjà vu. I thoroughly enjoyed Oomerbhoy's masterpiece, from the stunning cover, to the cliff hanger at the end, and all the wonderfulness between. It took me a bit to get going, but once I did I couldn't put it down!

I was initially a little put off by the similarities in the plot to the Harry Potter series, it felt like someone chopped the books into chapter sized hunks, mixed them up and stripped away the details, then put them back together and filled in with a new story. As the book went on, however, the comparisons lessened and it grew in it's own right, blooming into a very compelling story. It still puts you in mind of Dursleys, Hogwarts, and a certain blonde would-be villain, but it has a flavor all it's own.

I was very impressed with Aurora's character. She was flawed, and young, but she was very likable. I don't always love main characters, but she felt very real to me. She was not obnoxiously over confident, but she also did not float about putting herself down so others would praise her. I liked that she has dark hair, and that she loves her dark hair. This stuck with me for some reason, and I started to picture her like princess Jasmine from Disney's Aladdin!

There was a romantic side to this book, and again, I must say it was beautifully written. I am normally left on the outside of romances looking in thinking 'good, she is happy,' or 'they want to be together' but that was not the case here. There is a point in this book, where Aurora and Rafe's inevitable romance just hits me! Not only did I want it to work out, but Oomerbhoy paints such a beautiful picture of longing that it leaks out of the page and you can feel it.

Rafe was probably my favorite, and I couldn't help but picture him as a cross between Flynn Rider, and Aladdin! He put me in mind of a Robin Hood character immediately and I loved the depth his character has! I really feel for him in his current mess he find's himself in, and I can't wait to see how he fixes it!

I think the biggest drawback to this book was that there were places that the plot similarities did become a bit overwhelming, mainly in the begining of the book, so if you are someone who is bothered by that you may not enjoy this book as much as you should. But the similarities are less as you go, so I have high hopes for the next book. No word on when the next book will be out, but I'll be here waiting when it does!

This book is set to be published on August 15, 2015 hop on over to Amazon right now and pre-order your copy! ( )
  AngelaRenea | Jan 12, 2019 |
Being an aggressive reader I love fairy tales that keep influencing our fate and form our character . I am fortunate enough to receive the book The last of the Firedrakes . At one go I could read the book because I was very much absorbed in the fantastic narration and the beautiful drama .The life lessons like discipline , courage and empathy which the story teaches us are very valuable and highly significant in this era of intolerance and degradation of values.The author's hard work and wisdom are displayed in this book in the form of rich vocabulary and nice portrayal of events.

The protagonist is a sixteen year old orphan Aurora who has gone to the magical world by foul play of their adopters . Initially she demands sympathy for her sufferings in the hands of her supposed to be well wishers, but later on she takes charge of several situations leading to admire her . She is very much courageous and bold enough to make risky efforts to attain her goal. Her mission is predetermined by her protectors and those who knows her well. It is a different world where magic is primary aspect and power is in very much demand. Though it is a war between the good and the evil she faces difficulties and encounters failures, but she is adventurous and always enthusiastic.
( )
  mariaantonysamy | Nov 13, 2018 |
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16-year-old Aurora Darlington is an orphan. Mistreated by her adopted family and bullied at school, she dreams of running away and being free. But when she is kidnapped and dragged through a portal into a magical world, suddenly her old life doesn't seem so bad. Avalonia is a dangerous land ruled by powerful mages and a cruel, selfish queen who will do anything to control all seven kingdoms--including killing anyone who stands in her way.

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