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Death By Powerpoint

par Michael Flocker

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Does your manager talk endlessly about "engineering synergy" and "bridging disconnects?" Does the guy in the cube next to you eavesdrop and peak at what's in your personal drawer? Have you ever come close to "death by PowerPoint" as you struggle to stay awake in a meeting? If you work in any kind of office--large or small--the answers to these questions are undoubtedly "yes" and you obviously and desperately needDeath By PowerPoint. A life-saving guide to twenty-first century corporate culture, it provides incisive coverage of everything you'll need to get ahead (or to simply stay above water): The Art of Office Politics--sucking up effectively, how to deal with control freaks and that annoying guy with all the "new ideas" E-Mail Etiquette--responding to ridiculous requests, managing passive-aggressive messages, and how best to undo E-damage Mandatory Fun--proper etiquette for office parties, the curse of Secret Santa, and undermining your drunken co-workers Sex in the Workplace--how to spot video surveillance, telltale signs that others are getting it on, dumping etiquette, and the treacherous realm of sex with the boss… (plus d'informations)

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Does your manager talk endlessly about "engineering synergy" and "bridging disconnects?" Does the guy in the cube next to you eavesdrop and peak at what's in your personal drawer? Have you ever come close to "death by PowerPoint" as you struggle to stay awake in a meeting? If you work in any kind of office--large or small--the answers to these questions are undoubtedly "yes" and you obviously and desperately needDeath By PowerPoint. A life-saving guide to twenty-first century corporate culture, it provides incisive coverage of everything you'll need to get ahead (or to simply stay above water): The Art of Office Politics--sucking up effectively, how to deal with control freaks and that annoying guy with all the "new ideas" E-Mail Etiquette--responding to ridiculous requests, managing passive-aggressive messages, and how best to undo E-damage Mandatory Fun--proper etiquette for office parties, the curse of Secret Santa, and undermining your drunken co-workers Sex in the Workplace--how to spot video surveillance, telltale signs that others are getting it on, dumping etiquette, and the treacherous realm of sex with the boss

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