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Spojrz na mnie (Polish Edition) par Nicholas…

Spojrz na mnie (Polish Edition) (édition 2017)

par Nicholas Sparks (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
2,279477,156 (3.69)4
Fiction. Literature. HTML:See me just as I see you . . .Colin Hancock is giving his second chance his best shot. With a history of violence and bad decisions behind him and the threat of prison dogging his every step, he's determined to walk a straight line. To Colin, that means applying himself single-mindedly toward his teaching degree and avoiding everything that proved destructive in his earlier life. Reminding himself daily of his hard-earned lessons, the last thing he is looking for is a serious relationship.Maria Sanchez, the hardworking daughter of Mexican immigrants, is the picture of conventional success. With a degree from Duke Law School and a job at a prestigious firm in Wilmington, she is a dark-haired beauty with a seemingly flawless professional track record. And yet Maria has a traumatic history of her own, one that compelled her to return to her hometown and left her questioning so much of what she once believed.A chance encounter on a rain-swept road will alter the course of both Colin and Maria's lives, challenging deeply held assumptions about each other and ultimately, themselves. As love unexpectedly takes hold between them, they dare to envision what a future together could possibly look like . . . until menacing reminders of events in Maria's past begin to surface.As a series of threatening incidents wreaks chaos in Maria's life, Maria and Colin will be tested in increasingly terrifying ways. Will demons from their past destroy the tenuous relationship they've begun to build, or will their love protect them, even in the darkest hour?Rich in emotion and fueled with suspense, SEE ME reminds us that love is sometimes forged in the crises that threaten to shatter us . . . and that those who see us for who we truly are may not always be the ones easiest to recognize.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Spojrz na mnie (Polish Edition)
Auteurs:Nicholas Sparks (Auteur)
Info:Albatros (2017), Edition: 1, 512 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque, En cours de lecture

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See Me par Nicholas Sparks


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» Voir aussi les 4 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 46 (suivant | tout afficher)
I want to say this book was 5 stars; and it was. But I do not feel that it altered my life any, other than bringing me great joy and excitement while reading it. That is the only reason this book is not a 5 star. I do think this is Nicholas Sparks best work. I am already a big fan of Sparks but this book had so much! It was not what I expected in a really good way. It's not really like anything Sparks has written before. It was an amazing thriller/mystery/love story. Awesome book! I highly recommend it. ( )
  LillianCox | Jul 3, 2024 |
A slow burn. A steady, well-paced burn but nonetheless enjoyable. Part of it had a tremendous spirit but the lack of intensity left me wanting to hurry and finish the story. About 300ish pages in, I absolutely loved the dynamic shift in the story and the pure love between Colin and Maria. A unique tale but focused a little too heavy on MMA fighting and intricate details. My very first Nicholas Sparks reads and most certainly will not be my last!

All in all the book was a thrill and with romance this had a natural lure for the form! :) Loved this wonderful work with its quirks and characters thank you Nicholas for an excellent read! ( )
  Dreynolds12 | Jun 28, 2024 |
THIS IS WAS SO GOOD! I did not see anything coming that happened. I was expecting this to be a typical Nicholas Sparks book with lots of romance, but turned out to be fairly suspenseful! ( )
  smith.hannah2 | Jun 24, 2024 |
This was my first Nicholas Sparks book. I have actively avoided his work since watching A Walk to Remember in high school and feeling emotionally destroyed for quite a while. I don’t love romance novels and I don’t love reading sad things. But a friend recommended this one and I gave it a shot—and I’m glad I did.

I really enjoyed the characters and the story, and it held much more intrigue than I anticipated. My only complaints are that excessive detail was given about inconsequential things (if I wanted to read about everything a MMA fighter does at the gym, I’d pick up a book about MMA), and the plot seemed to go on a bit too long. Several points felt like a denouement, but then it just kept going. All in all, though, I was pleasantly surprised and couldn’t put it down. ( )
  jnoshields | Apr 10, 2024 |
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 46 (suivant | tout afficher)
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Nicholas Sparksauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Gębicka-Frąc, MariaTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Petrelli, AlessandraTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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Fiction. Literature. HTML:See me just as I see you . . .Colin Hancock is giving his second chance his best shot. With a history of violence and bad decisions behind him and the threat of prison dogging his every step, he's determined to walk a straight line. To Colin, that means applying himself single-mindedly toward his teaching degree and avoiding everything that proved destructive in his earlier life. Reminding himself daily of his hard-earned lessons, the last thing he is looking for is a serious relationship.Maria Sanchez, the hardworking daughter of Mexican immigrants, is the picture of conventional success. With a degree from Duke Law School and a job at a prestigious firm in Wilmington, she is a dark-haired beauty with a seemingly flawless professional track record. And yet Maria has a traumatic history of her own, one that compelled her to return to her hometown and left her questioning so much of what she once believed.A chance encounter on a rain-swept road will alter the course of both Colin and Maria's lives, challenging deeply held assumptions about each other and ultimately, themselves. As love unexpectedly takes hold between them, they dare to envision what a future together could possibly look like . . . until menacing reminders of events in Maria's past begin to surface.As a series of threatening incidents wreaks chaos in Maria's life, Maria and Colin will be tested in increasingly terrifying ways. Will demons from their past destroy the tenuous relationship they've begun to build, or will their love protect them, even in the darkest hour?Rich in emotion and fueled with suspense, SEE ME reminds us that love is sometimes forged in the crises that threaten to shatter us . . . and that those who see us for who we truly are may not always be the ones easiest to recognize.

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Moyenne: (3.69)
1 3
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2 16
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3 51
3.5 7
4 61
4.5 2
5 45

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