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Road of the Patriarch (The Legend of Drizzt…

Road of the Patriarch (The Legend of Drizzt Book 16) (édition 2008)

par R.A. Salvatore (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
971422,469 (3.87)4
As Entreri and Jarlaxle journey through the monster-infested Bloodstone Lands, Jarlaxle's ambitions endanger them both, and Entreri confronts a difficult choice between friendship and survival when they confront a fierce paladin king.
Titre:Road of the Patriarch (The Legend of Drizzt Book 16)
Auteurs:R.A. Salvatore (Auteur)
Info:Wizards of the Coast (2008), 388 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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La Route du patriarche par R. A. Salvatore


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Ilnezhara y Tazmikelia son antiguos dragonas de gran poder, acostumbradas a manipular a los humanos que tiene a su alrededor. Pero cuando empujan a Entreri y a Jarlaxle al corazón de las Tierras de la Piedra de Sangre, ni siquiera ellas son capaces de imaginar la tenacidad del asesino humano ni la gigantesca ambición del mercenario drow.
  Natt90 | Feb 16, 2023 |
For me personally I thought this was one of Salvatore's best. I have always loved both Jarlaxle and Artemis even when they were bad guys and now that he is developing their story lines I think it is some of his best work. Can not wait to see where he takes these characters in further stories. ( )
  LouCypher | Jan 21, 2010 |
This book follows Servant of the Shard and Promise of the Witch King in R.A. Salvatore's Sellswords trilogy. Although not his strongest work, fans of Salvatore will appreciate the back stories revealed in this novel for Artemis Entreri and the dark elf Jarlaxle, two of Salvatore's beloved yet morally ambiguous characters. As always, Salvatore's adventure tales are enriched by his introspective prose challenging the reader to think more deeply about the dilemnas faced by his heroes and anti-heroes alike. ( )
  elbakerone | Nov 9, 2006 |
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R. A. Salvatoreauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Lockwood, ToddArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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Yes, she is beautiful, Artemis Entreri thought as he watched the naked Calihye walk from the bed to the clothing rack to retreive her breeches and shirt.
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As Entreri and Jarlaxle journey through the monster-infested Bloodstone Lands, Jarlaxle's ambitions endanger them both, and Entreri confronts a difficult choice between friendship and survival when they confront a fierce paladin king.

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