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Attention All Typewriters

par Jason Camlot

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Lewis Carrol meets Allen Ginsberg.... This is poetry about an angel-poet, wings paper-clipped, seeking spiritual food in the modern office cubicle. He pecks away at office-machinery (à la Dilbert) and dreams among his fellow stick men and women of being a Wordsworthian visionary -- or at least an "action figureen". Jason Camlot is a scholar of Victorian nonsense and humorous verse and these poems are a 'howl' amidst the "slithy borogroves" sort of affair, a wild, brilliantly refitted variety theater act. Other pieces, equally wan, hilarious, noir, plumb nineteen thirties Hollywood (and present day movieland) hijinks, Hemingway's war-with-booze style, and the dark obsessions of Important Men. The writer and his writing is 'past' conscious, but completely versed in contemporary Canadian and American poetry. This is an immensely funny, witty, up-to-date collection -- zany, zippy, and zine-y!… (plus d'informations)

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Lewis Carrol meets Allen Ginsberg.... This is poetry about an angel-poet, wings paper-clipped, seeking spiritual food in the modern office cubicle. He pecks away at office-machinery (à la Dilbert) and dreams among his fellow stick men and women of being a Wordsworthian visionary -- or at least an "action figureen". Jason Camlot is a scholar of Victorian nonsense and humorous verse and these poems are a 'howl' amidst the "slithy borogroves" sort of affair, a wild, brilliantly refitted variety theater act. Other pieces, equally wan, hilarious, noir, plumb nineteen thirties Hollywood (and present day movieland) hijinks, Hemingway's war-with-booze style, and the dark obsessions of Important Men. The writer and his writing is 'past' conscious, but completely versed in contemporary Canadian and American poetry. This is an immensely funny, witty, up-to-date collection -- zany, zippy, and zine-y!

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