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Deep Magic: 13th Age Compatible Edition

par Ash Law

Séries: 13th Age (conversion)

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An Age of Wizardry Magic is everywhere. Whether it is a hidden might wielded by a secret few or the energy that powers an entire realm, magic is a vital part of any fantasy world. And now its secrets are yours Deep Magic: 13th Age Compatible Edition is for 13th Age Roleplaying Game players who want new options that allow them to bend reality to their wills and perform spectacular feats of sword and sorcery. This book offers an astounding variety of new magic options, including: 555 wizard spells, ranging from clever tricks to summoning the World Serpent itself to wreak havoc 4 new class talents that put wizard spells within the grasp of every class-play an arcane ranger, a spirit-calling barbarian, a time-warping commander or face-stealing trickster druid 30 new schools of magic, including the Cult of Ouroboros, the Red Inquisition and the Scholars of Dust, with guidelines for creating your own magical tradition 5 magical campaign options: post-apocalyptic vril magic, the mysteries of the ley lines, a class-warfare arcanopunk campaign option, and more For GMs looking for new material, or players looking for character customization options, this massive tome is the book you've been dreaming of. Dive into Deep Magic… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parmarqcogan, DavDWilliams, amethal, jazzfish

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An Age of Wizardry Magic is everywhere. Whether it is a hidden might wielded by a secret few or the energy that powers an entire realm, magic is a vital part of any fantasy world. And now its secrets are yours Deep Magic: 13th Age Compatible Edition is for 13th Age Roleplaying Game players who want new options that allow them to bend reality to their wills and perform spectacular feats of sword and sorcery. This book offers an astounding variety of new magic options, including: 555 wizard spells, ranging from clever tricks to summoning the World Serpent itself to wreak havoc 4 new class talents that put wizard spells within the grasp of every class-play an arcane ranger, a spirit-calling barbarian, a time-warping commander or face-stealing trickster druid 30 new schools of magic, including the Cult of Ouroboros, the Red Inquisition and the Scholars of Dust, with guidelines for creating your own magical tradition 5 magical campaign options: post-apocalyptic vril magic, the mysteries of the ley lines, a class-warfare arcanopunk campaign option, and more For GMs looking for new material, or players looking for character customization options, this massive tome is the book you've been dreaming of. Dive into Deep Magic

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