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Space Dumplins par Craig Thompson

Space Dumplins (édition 2015)

par Craig Thompson (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
27014102,207 (3.79)2
"For Violet Marlocke, family is the most important thing in the whole galaxy. So when her father goes missing while on a hazardous job, she can't just sit around and do nothing. To get him back, Violet throws caution to the stars and sets out with a group of misfit friends on a quest to find him. But space is big and dangerous, and she soon discovers that her dad has been swallowed by a giant, planet-eating whale. With her father's life on the line, nothing is going to stop Violet from trying to rescue him and keep her family together"--Provided by publisher.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Space Dumplins
Auteurs:Craig Thompson (Auteur)
Info:GRAPHIX (2015), 320 pages
Collections:Graphic Novels

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Space Dumplins par Craig Thompson


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» Voir aussi les 2 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 14 (suivant | tout afficher)
I really, really enjoyed this one, and it should play well in the 5th-8th grade crowd. The story is relatable and well-told. The characters, both human and alien alike, are appealing and crafted with just the right amount of depth. The art is complicated without being overwhelming; the colors are lively and interesting, and Thompson does some really compelling stuff with scale.

Also, the plot kind of revolves around space whale poop. And I love that. Because I'm 12. :-D ( )
  Library_Guard | Jun 17, 2024 |
Dopo aver letto “Blankets” e “Habibi”, due capolavori assoluto del fumetto mondiale, all’inizio la lettura di “Polpette spaziali” di Craig Thompson mi ha un po' spiazzato. In realtà avendo letto “Addio Chunky Rice” avevo avuto l’occasione per approcciarmi ad una visione diversa dell’autore, semplice, per bambini. E, riflettendoci, ma solo dopo aver terminato la lettura di questo libro il filo conduttore di Thompson, l’amore e le relazioni affettive, rimane, anzi per certi versi si consolida. L’edizione della Rizzoli è di quelle importanti, carta di ottima qualità e foliazione ampia. Elementi essenziali per dare spazio al disegno dell’autore ed allo splendido colore di Dave Stewart. La storia parte in un mondo del futuro con diversi richiami a Star wars anche se tutto appare disordinato, di una povertà assoluta. Violet, la protagonista, è una ragazzina semplice ma spigliata. La madre fa la stilista ed il padre il camionista spaziale e ambedue lavorano in maniera precaria. Il mondo è già andato a rotoli e il problema sono le balene spaziali e le distruzioni che continuamente provocano in giro per l’universo. A seguito dell’ennesimo episodio il padre di Violet parte per una missione segreta ma la bambina lo segue in un lungo viaggio durante il quale incontrerà Zaccheus, una zucchina arancione, ed Elliot, un piccolo e colto pollo, figlio di uno scienziato che ha liberato la specie dalla sudditanza alimentare nei confronti degli uomini. Inizia così una lunga avventura che si concluderà con la liberazione di un cucciolo di balena da parte del terzetto e al ritrovamento del padre di Violet. Tutto finirà, chiaramente benissimo, anche perché questo è un volume pensato fondamentalmente per i bambini. Una storia semplice ma veramente godibile. ( )
  grandeghi | Feb 14, 2024 |
Every now and again I like to dip into a graphic novel for a change.

I have read Craig Thompson's Habibi, but it was clear from the artwork that this is quite a different book; more mainstream. It's a kids' adventure story set in outer space. Violet and her parents Gar and Cera live in trailer park where Gar works recovering space whale poop and recycling it into fuel. Ahem.

Cera gets asked to go work on the main station as a designer and Violet tags along, Meantime Gar disappears and their trailer park is devastated by space whales. Violet musters her orphan friends Elliot, a nerdy chicken, and Zaccheus, a scavenger, and sets out to find her dad.

The book works mostly as a kids adventure, but there is more to it. Thompson has created a splendidly grungy vision of a world that relies on scavenging and reclamation; some of his ship designs are very funny. The costume designs are wild, with some definite nods to The Jetsons. There are references to Moby Dick and the Bible along with the kids' adventures. Good fun. ( )
  gjky | Apr 9, 2023 |
Wacky space adventure -- like the class/economics issues, the family strength, the education focus, and the excellent dad with a record. ( )
  jennybeast | Apr 14, 2022 |
Thompson has such interesting religious undertones in all of his work -- even in a kids' graphic novel about space whales. ( )
  resoundingjoy | Jan 1, 2021 |
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"For Violet Marlocke, family is the most important thing in the whole galaxy. So when her father goes missing while on a hazardous job, she can't just sit around and do nothing. To get him back, Violet throws caution to the stars and sets out with a group of misfit friends on a quest to find him. But space is big and dangerous, and she soon discovers that her dad has been swallowed by a giant, planet-eating whale. With her father's life on the line, nothing is going to stop Violet from trying to rescue him and keep her family together"--Provided by publisher.

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Moyenne: (3.79)
2 1
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3 15
3.5 2
4 23
4.5 3
5 7

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