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The Path of Emotions

par Synthia Andrews

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A guide that explains the emotion-energy connection and how to harness its power to clear past trauma and fuel creative expression.   Do you feel there is more to reality than what your five senses reveal? Are emotions controlling the quality of your life? Do you avoid uncomfortable feelings or suppress past trauma?   You may have been taught that emotions aren't logical and therefore can't be trusted. That happiness depends on suppressing or avoiding negative feelings. On the contrary, emotions are the key to discerning energy reality. They are the language of subtle energy providing information, direction, motivation, and vitality.   Understanding and harnessing the power of emotions will help you make better decisions, heal your past, and create the life of your dreams.   The Path of Emotions explains how emotions are the key to mind-body communication, translating information from subtle energy realms into useable guidance. Reading it will help you:   Interpret your instincts and gut reactions Expand your subtle energy awareness and increase your intuition Identify and release emotions that are binding your energy, inhibiting your potential, and causing physical pain and dysfunction Free up and use the energy currently bound up in limiting emotional patterns Use emotions to empower your intentions and manifest the life you desire   "Dr. Andrews shows how we can use our emotions to make ourselves miserable or happy. Then, more importantly, she shows us practical and effective ways we can channel that energy to take charge of our health and happiness and rid ourselves of our human barriers to love."--Henry Grayson, PhD, author of Your Power to Heal… (plus d'informations)

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A guide that explains the emotion-energy connection and how to harness its power to clear past trauma and fuel creative expression.   Do you feel there is more to reality than what your five senses reveal? Are emotions controlling the quality of your life? Do you avoid uncomfortable feelings or suppress past trauma?   You may have been taught that emotions aren't logical and therefore can't be trusted. That happiness depends on suppressing or avoiding negative feelings. On the contrary, emotions are the key to discerning energy reality. They are the language of subtle energy providing information, direction, motivation, and vitality.   Understanding and harnessing the power of emotions will help you make better decisions, heal your past, and create the life of your dreams.   The Path of Emotions explains how emotions are the key to mind-body communication, translating information from subtle energy realms into useable guidance. Reading it will help you:   Interpret your instincts and gut reactions Expand your subtle energy awareness and increase your intuition Identify and release emotions that are binding your energy, inhibiting your potential, and causing physical pain and dysfunction Free up and use the energy currently bound up in limiting emotional patterns Use emotions to empower your intentions and manifest the life you desire   "Dr. Andrews shows how we can use our emotions to make ourselves miserable or happy. Then, more importantly, she shows us practical and effective ways we can channel that energy to take charge of our health and happiness and rid ourselves of our human barriers to love."--Henry Grayson, PhD, author of Your Power to Heal

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