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Sparks Out of the Plowed Ground

par Bob Doll

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The grass roots of America start with the small town radio station. SMALL TOWN RADIO HAS SPAWNED some of THE biggest & MOST PROMINENT RADIO PERSONALITIES in America, including RUSH LIMBAUGH, PAUL HARVEY & DAN RATHER. This unique book chronicles the history of radio's first 75 years on the air in small town radio stations. Doll talks with radio pioneers as well as those who currently own, operate, program & engineer small town stations. Their STORIES ARE AS LEGENDARY AS THEY ARE. You'll read great never-before-told stories about heroes, villains & snake oil salesmen. A photo of RARE NEVER-BEFORE-PUBLISHED PHOTOGRAPHS makes this a valuable historical chronicle of the radio industry. This book is an asset for any ham radio operator, radio collector, memorabilia fan, radio enthusiast, radio or communications student. It's an excellent text for communications courses. To order SPARKS OUT OF THE PLOWED GROUND contact Streamline Press at 224 Datura Street, 7th Floor, West Palm Beach, FL 33401, (800) 226-7857; FAX (407) 665-6164.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parrdai, shburton, velvetflamingo

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The grass roots of America start with the small town radio station. SMALL TOWN RADIO HAS SPAWNED some of THE biggest & MOST PROMINENT RADIO PERSONALITIES in America, including RUSH LIMBAUGH, PAUL HARVEY & DAN RATHER. This unique book chronicles the history of radio's first 75 years on the air in small town radio stations. Doll talks with radio pioneers as well as those who currently own, operate, program & engineer small town stations. Their STORIES ARE AS LEGENDARY AS THEY ARE. You'll read great never-before-told stories about heroes, villains & snake oil salesmen. A photo of RARE NEVER-BEFORE-PUBLISHED PHOTOGRAPHS makes this a valuable historical chronicle of the radio industry. This book is an asset for any ham radio operator, radio collector, memorabilia fan, radio enthusiast, radio or communications student. It's an excellent text for communications courses. To order SPARKS OUT OF THE PLOWED GROUND contact Streamline Press at 224 Datura Street, 7th Floor, West Palm Beach, FL 33401, (800) 226-7857; FAX (407) 665-6164.

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