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Inca Trail, Cusco & Machu Picchu: Includes Santa Teresa Trek, Choquequirao Trek, Vilcabamba Trail, Vilcabamba To Choquequirao, Choquequirao To Machu ... Inca Trail, Cusco & Machu Picchu)

par Alexander Stewart

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Lost to the jungle for centuries, Machu Picchu  was rediscovered by Hiram Bingham 100 years ago. It’s now probably the most famous sight in South America – and justifiably so. Perched high above the river on a knife-edge ridge, the ruins are truly spectacular. The best way to reach them is on foot, following parts of the original paved Inca Trail over passes of 13,500ft.   Now in its fifth edition, this best-selling book is an all-in-one guide for a hiking holiday in the Inca region of Peru. Includes how to book from North America, planning and preparation, getting to Peru, detailed Lima and Cusco city guides (where to stay, where to eat, what to see and how to get around); a history of the Incas by explorer and historian Hugh Thomson; health, safety and responsible tourism; comprehensive hiking information for a full range of routes with 40 highly detailed trekking maps in the classic Trailblazer style showing walking times, gradients and points of interest. There are guides to 15 Inca ruins including Machu Picchu itself.   Includes 70 maps – 15 town plans, 15 maps of Inca ruins, 40 hiking maps.… (plus d'informations)

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Lost to the jungle for centuries, Machu Picchu  was rediscovered by Hiram Bingham 100 years ago. It’s now probably the most famous sight in South America – and justifiably so. Perched high above the river on a knife-edge ridge, the ruins are truly spectacular. The best way to reach them is on foot, following parts of the original paved Inca Trail over passes of 13,500ft.   Now in its fifth edition, this best-selling book is an all-in-one guide for a hiking holiday in the Inca region of Peru. Includes how to book from North America, planning and preparation, getting to Peru, detailed Lima and Cusco city guides (where to stay, where to eat, what to see and how to get around); a history of the Incas by explorer and historian Hugh Thomson; health, safety and responsible tourism; comprehensive hiking information for a full range of routes with 40 highly detailed trekking maps in the classic Trailblazer style showing walking times, gradients and points of interest. There are guides to 15 Inca ruins including Machu Picchu itself.   Includes 70 maps – 15 town plans, 15 maps of Inca ruins, 40 hiking maps.

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