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Morning Star (Red Rising Series) par Pierce…

Morning Star (Red Rising Series) (édition 2016)

par Pierce Brown (Auteur)

Séries: Red Rising Saga (3)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
3,0331214,733 (4.27)43
Fantasy. Fiction. Science Fiction. Thriller. HTML:#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Red Rising thrilled readers and announced the presence of a talented new author. Golden Son changed the game and took the story of Darrow to the next level. Now comes the exhilarating next chapter in the Red Rising Saga: Morning Star.
ITW THRILLER AWARD FINALIST • “[Brown’s] achievement is in creating an uncomfortably familiar world of flaw, fear, and promise.”—Entertainment Weekly
Darrow would have lived in peace, but his enemies brought him war. The Gold overlords demanded his obedience, hanged his wife, and enslaved his people. But Darrow is determined to fight back. Risking everything to transform himself and breach Gold society, Darrow has battled to survive the cutthroat rivalries that breed Society’s mightiest warriors, climbed the ranks, and waited patiently to unleash the revolution that will tear the hierarchy apart from within.
Finally, the time has come.
But devotion to honor and hunger for vengeance run deep on both sides. Darrow and his comrades-in-arms face powerful enemies without scruple or mercy. Among them are some Darrow once considered friends. To win, Darrow will need to inspire those shackled in darkness to break their chains, unmake the world their cruel masters have built, and claim a destiny too long denied—and too glorious to surrender.
Praise for Morning Star

“There is no one writing today who does shameless, Michael Bay–style action set pieces the way Brown does. The battle scenes are kinetic, bloody, breathless, crazy. Everything is on fire all the time.”—NPR
Morning Star is this trilogy’s Return of the Jedi. . . . The impactful battles that make up most of Morning Star are damn near operatic. . . . It absolutely satisfies.”Tordotcom
“Excellent . . . Brown’s vivid, first-person prose puts the reader right at the forefront of impassioned speeches, broken families, and engaging battle scenes . . . as this interstellar civil war comes to a most satisfying conclusion.”Publishers Weekly (starred review)
“A page-turning epic filled with twists and turns . . . The conclusion to Brown’s saga is simply stellar.”Booklist (starred review)
Don’t miss any of Pierce Brown’s Red Rising Saga:

… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Morning Star (Red Rising Series)
Auteurs:Pierce Brown (Auteur)
Info:Del Rey (2016), Edition: Reprint, 576 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Morning Star par Pierce Brown


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» Voir aussi les 43 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 121 (suivant | tout afficher)
Fitting end to a fantastic trilogy. I'm docking it a slight half star as the plot formula was getting a bit obvious by the end (i.e., Darrow finds himself in a sticky situation but actually has a secret plan that was discussed "off-screen" which we couldn't have predicted). Planning to take a break from the series for a bit but I'm intrigued knowing that books 4-6 have multiple perspectives, not just Darrow. Hail Ragnar! ( )
  MattZiss0u | Aug 30, 2024 |
What an ending for the Red Rising Saga! Everything falls into place. Pierce Brown drew an amazing world. He opened the audience to the story of Darrow and the Color people and closed it perfectly. So many twists, especially at the end. Great ending for our protagonist. I hope the Iron Age trilogy is another masterpiece. ( )
  heolinhdam | Jun 25, 2024 |
This review refers to the whole Red Rising trilogy (Red Rising, Golden Son, and Morning Star). It's about a future society that spans the whole Solar System, with a rigid system of castes, including the Golds, who are the ruling class, and the Reds, who are slaves without rights and perform the more menial grunt work. The trilogy tells the story of a revolutionary leader who infiltrates the Gold caste to gain power and bring the system down.

It has a lot to recommend it. It's very readable and entertaining. The first book reminded me in some ways of the Hunger Games, only on a bigger, more strategical scale. The worldbuilding is interesting, although implausible at times, with the elite Golds basically acting as a pantheon of Roman gods of war. I was engrossed but at the same time I had the nagging sensation that this is one of those stories where you have to disconnect your brain and go along with the ride. Our hero will be taken prisoner repeatedly by the most ruthless enemies, who inexplicably will fail to kill him when they can... The way people act is often too extreme and larger than life... I'm sure future battles would not work in the way the books describe... But if you are willing to overlook things like that you have very compelling characters, intense relationships, often not romantic, and a ripping story.

For entertainment value it gets 5-stars easily, but I will withhold one for the eye-rolling moments. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it, though. ( )
  jcm790 | May 26, 2024 |
colpo di stato
amici ritrovati ( )
  LLonaVahine | May 22, 2024 |
Sometimes I grew weary, other times I was spellbound by the scope of the story. This might as well be a Metabarons book wrapped in a Young Adult blanket, for better or for worse.

Lots of things happen without conflict or explanation, then other times there's struggle and overt explanation of this incredibly detailed universe. I honestly can't tell if it's fully original or not, it seems like half fantasy/half sci-fi which is a really hard line to walk.

That being said, I wasn't bored and the last 100 pages or so really kept me going. There's no chance this could be a live action movie, the budget would soar like crazy, but I'd be thrilled to see an animated version of it. I had a bit of a hard time telling all the Golds apart (how many people can be seven feet tall, gorgeous and killers in combat?) so I resorted to looking up a few fan made images and that definitely helped.

I liked it enough to keep going with Book 4, but I don't know if I would necessarily recommend this series. It's fun, really fun. It has teeth and consequences. It's sometimes mindless and breakneck and Darrow seems to know a billion things happening at once, but enjoyable nonetheless. ( )
  hskey | Apr 4, 2024 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 121 (suivant | tout afficher)
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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Pierce Brownauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Arnold, TommyArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Lenoir, H.Traducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Reynolds, Tim GerardNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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To sister, who taught me to listen
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I rise into darkness, away from the garden they watered with the blood of my friends.
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Fantasy. Fiction. Science Fiction. Thriller. HTML:#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Red Rising thrilled readers and announced the presence of a talented new author. Golden Son changed the game and took the story of Darrow to the next level. Now comes the exhilarating next chapter in the Red Rising Saga: Morning Star.
ITW THRILLER AWARD FINALIST • “[Brown’s] achievement is in creating an uncomfortably familiar world of flaw, fear, and promise.”—Entertainment Weekly
Darrow would have lived in peace, but his enemies brought him war. The Gold overlords demanded his obedience, hanged his wife, and enslaved his people. But Darrow is determined to fight back. Risking everything to transform himself and breach Gold society, Darrow has battled to survive the cutthroat rivalries that breed Society’s mightiest warriors, climbed the ranks, and waited patiently to unleash the revolution that will tear the hierarchy apart from within.
Finally, the time has come.
But devotion to honor and hunger for vengeance run deep on both sides. Darrow and his comrades-in-arms face powerful enemies without scruple or mercy. Among them are some Darrow once considered friends. To win, Darrow will need to inspire those shackled in darkness to break their chains, unmake the world their cruel masters have built, and claim a destiny too long denied—and too glorious to surrender.
Praise for Morning Star

“There is no one writing today who does shameless, Michael Bay–style action set pieces the way Brown does. The battle scenes are kinetic, bloody, breathless, crazy. Everything is on fire all the time.”—NPR
Morning Star is this trilogy’s Return of the Jedi. . . . The impactful battles that make up most of Morning Star are damn near operatic. . . . It absolutely satisfies.”Tordotcom
“Excellent . . . Brown’s vivid, first-person prose puts the reader right at the forefront of impassioned speeches, broken families, and engaging battle scenes . . . as this interstellar civil war comes to a most satisfying conclusion.”Publishers Weekly (starred review)
“A page-turning epic filled with twists and turns . . . The conclusion to Brown’s saga is simply stellar.”Booklist (starred review)
Don’t miss any of Pierce Brown’s Red Rising Saga:


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