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The Golden Specific (The Mapmakers Trilogy…

The Golden Specific (The Mapmakers Trilogy Book 2) (original 2015; édition 2015)

par S. E. Grove (Auteur)

Séries: The Mapmakers Trilogy (2)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
25012111,087 (4.1)10
Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:The eagerly-awaited sequel to the best-selling The Glass Sentence — a historical, fantastical adventure perfect for fans of Philip Pullman!

It is the summer of 1892, one year since Sophia Tims and her friend Theo embarked upon the dangerous adventure that rewrote the map of the world. Since their return home to Boston, she has continued searching for clues to her parents’ disappearance, combing archives and libraries, grasping at even the most slender leads. Theo has apprenticed himself to an explorer in order to follow those leads across the country—but one after another proves to be a dead end.
            Then Sophia discovers that a crucial piece of the puzzle exists in a foreign Age. At the same time, Theo discovers that his old life outside the law threatens to destroy the new one he has built with Sophia and her uncle Shadrack. What he and Sophia do not know is that their separate discoveries are intertwined, and that one remarkable person is part of both.
            There is a city that holds all of the answers—but it cannot be found on any map. Surrounded by plague, it can only be reached by a journey through darkness and chaos, which is at the same time the plague’s cure: The Golden Specific.
… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Golden Specific (The Mapmakers Trilogy Book 2)
Auteurs:S. E. Grove (Auteur)
Info:Viking Books for Young Readers (2015), 471 pages
Collections:Lus mais non possédés

Information sur l'oeuvre

The Golden Specific par S. E. Grove (2015)


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» Voir aussi les 10 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 12 (suivant | tout afficher)
Excellent. I find the worldview captivating and the writing balances clarity and subtlety. Book marketing categories are worthless in general and I think anyone old enough to follow a longer story could enjoy this. Suffers slightly from middle-of-a-trilogy syndrome, but only slightly. ( )
  Kiramke | Jun 27, 2023 |
I enjoyed this book very much, there were so many different threads and exciting pieces with all sorts of character revelations. Where this book was slightly behind the first, is that it didn't wrap up as neatly. The first one did a great job of resolving the main conflict while still leaving a larger arch for the series. This volume resolved a small part of the story conflict but left a lot of major plot points for the next volume. ( )
  yonitdm | Sep 1, 2022 |
An excellent sequel to The Glass Sentence. Rather than continue to develop the bond between Theo Thackaray and Sophia Tims, Grove has them split apart by circumstances, with Sophia continuing her search for her missing parents, without the help of her guardian, Shadrack Elli, while Theo stays in Boston to help Shadrack face a political foe. Both stories are compelling and interesting, and were left off in a good place for the conclusion of the trilogy. Their new companions are interesting and diverse, and I especially liked the Inspector's daughter. ( )
  skipstern | Jul 11, 2021 |
I really, really enjoyed this book! I really liked how the two main characters were on different adventures - one went on a journey/travel, and the other stayed and tried to solve a mystery. I found that this really helped to balance out the book and plot by breaking up the typical "going on a journey" second book trope.

The characters in this book are great :) Sophia and Theo just make me happy. They are independent, thoughtful, and kind characters and I liked how they were able to progress and grow up a little by going on their separate quests. There was definitely room for more character development, but because this is middle grade, I was okay with how things went.

The world created is so cool! I love the concept of "The Great Disruption" and how different continents are in different parts of time. I liked that we got to travel to a new place and experience their world, but still get insight into what was happening back home.

Overall, I super enjoyed this and can't wait to read the final book!
4.25/5 stars ( )
  jdifelice | Jan 20, 2018 |
For fans of The Golden Compass, this is book two in the Mapmakers Trilogy and follow-up to S.E. Grove's stunning debut, The Glass Sentence

It is the summer of 1892, one year since Sophia Tims and her friend Theo embarked upon the dangerous adventure that rewrote the map of the world. Since their return home to Boston, she has continued searching for clues to her parents’ disappearance, combing archives and libraries, grasping at even the most slender leads. Theo has apprenticed himself to an explorer in order to follow those leads across the country—but one after another proves to be a dead end.

Then Sophia discovers that a crucial piece of the puzzle exists in a foreign Age. At the same time, Theo discovers that his old life outside the law threatens to destroy the new one he has built with Sophia and her uncle Shadrack. What he and Sophia do not know is that their separate discoveries are intertwined, and that one remarkable person is part of both.

There is a city that holds all of the answers—but it cannot be found on any map. Surrounded by plague, it can only be reached by a journey through darkness and chaos, which is at the same time the plague’s cure: The Golden Specific.
  Clippers | Dec 21, 2017 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 12 (suivant | tout afficher)
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Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:The eagerly-awaited sequel to the best-selling The Glass Sentence — a historical, fantastical adventure perfect for fans of Philip Pullman!

It is the summer of 1892, one year since Sophia Tims and her friend Theo embarked upon the dangerous adventure that rewrote the map of the world. Since their return home to Boston, she has continued searching for clues to her parents’ disappearance, combing archives and libraries, grasping at even the most slender leads. Theo has apprenticed himself to an explorer in order to follow those leads across the country—but one after another proves to be a dead end.
            Then Sophia discovers that a crucial piece of the puzzle exists in a foreign Age. At the same time, Theo discovers that his old life outside the law threatens to destroy the new one he has built with Sophia and her uncle Shadrack. What he and Sophia do not know is that their separate discoveries are intertwined, and that one remarkable person is part of both.
            There is a city that holds all of the answers—but it cannot be found on any map. Surrounded by plague, it can only be reached by a journey through darkness and chaos, which is at the same time the plague’s cure: The Golden Specific.

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