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What Nerve!: Alternative Figures in American Art, 1960 to the Present (2014)

par Dan Nadel (Curator), Judith Tannenbaum (Consulting curator)

Autres auteurs: Roger Brown (Contributeur), Brian Chippendale (Contributeur), Robert Cozzolino (Contributeur), Naomi Fry (Contributeur), Cary Loren (Contributeur)5 plus, Dominic Molon (Contributeur), Niagara (Contributeur), Michael Rooks (Contributeur), Nicole Rudick (Contributeur), John W. Smith (Avant-propos)

Autres auteurs: Voir la section autres auteur(e)s.

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What Nerve reveals a hidden history of American figurative painting, sculpture and popular imagery. It documents and/or restages four installations, spaces or happenings, in Chicago, San Francisco, Detroit and Providence, which were crucial to the development of figurative art in the United States. Several of the better-known artists in What Nerve have been the subject of significant exhibitions or publications, but this is the first major volume to focus on the broader impact of figurative art to connect artists and collectives from different generations and regions of the country. These are: from Chicago, the Hairy Who (James Falconer, Art Green, Gladys Nilsson, Jim Nutt, Suellen Rocca, Karl Wirsum); from California, Funk artists (Jeremy Anderson, Robert Arneson, Roy De Forest, Robert Hudson, Ken Price, Peter Saul, Peter Voulkos, William T. Wiley); from Detroit, Destroy All Monsters (Mike Kelley, Cary Loren, Niagara, Jim Shaw); and from Providence, Forcefield (Mat Brinkman, Jim Drain, Leif Goldberg, Ara Peterson). Created in collaboration with artists from these groups, the historical moments at the core of What Nerve are linked by work from six artists who profoundly influenced or were influenced by the groups: William Copley, Jack Kirby, Elizabeth Murray, Gary Panter, Christina Ramberg and H.C. Westermann. Featuring paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints, photographs and videos, as well as ephemera, wallpaper and other materials used in the reconstructed installations, the book and exhibition will broaden public exposure to the scope of this influential history. The exuberance, humor and politics of these artworks remain powerfully resonant. Much of the work in this book, including installation photos, exhibition ephemera and correspondence, is published for the first time. What Nerve represents the first historical examination of the circumstances, relationships and works of an increasingly important lineage of American artists.… (plus d'informations)

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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Nadel, DanCuratorauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Tannenbaum, JudithConsulting curatorauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Brown, RogerContributeurauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Chippendale, BrianContributeurauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Cozzolino, RobertContributeurauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Fry, NaomiContributeurauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Loren, CaryContributeurauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Molon, DominicContributeurauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
NiagaraContributeurauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Rooks, MichaelContributeurauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Rudick, NicoleContributeurauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Smith, John W.Avant-proposauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Hampton, EvelynProofreaderauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Hathaway, NormanConcepteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Pickworth, AmyCopyeditorauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Wyman, AngelaImage productionauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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What Nerve reveals a hidden history of American figurative painting, sculpture and popular imagery. It documents and/or restages four installations, spaces or happenings, in Chicago, San Francisco, Detroit and Providence, which were crucial to the development of figurative art in the United States. Several of the better-known artists in What Nerve have been the subject of significant exhibitions or publications, but this is the first major volume to focus on the broader impact of figurative art to connect artists and collectives from different generations and regions of the country. These are: from Chicago, the Hairy Who (James Falconer, Art Green, Gladys Nilsson, Jim Nutt, Suellen Rocca, Karl Wirsum); from California, Funk artists (Jeremy Anderson, Robert Arneson, Roy De Forest, Robert Hudson, Ken Price, Peter Saul, Peter Voulkos, William T. Wiley); from Detroit, Destroy All Monsters (Mike Kelley, Cary Loren, Niagara, Jim Shaw); and from Providence, Forcefield (Mat Brinkman, Jim Drain, Leif Goldberg, Ara Peterson). Created in collaboration with artists from these groups, the historical moments at the core of What Nerve are linked by work from six artists who profoundly influenced or were influenced by the groups: William Copley, Jack Kirby, Elizabeth Murray, Gary Panter, Christina Ramberg and H.C. Westermann. Featuring paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints, photographs and videos, as well as ephemera, wallpaper and other materials used in the reconstructed installations, the book and exhibition will broaden public exposure to the scope of this influential history. The exuberance, humor and politics of these artworks remain powerfully resonant. Much of the work in this book, including installation photos, exhibition ephemera and correspondence, is published for the first time. What Nerve represents the first historical examination of the circumstances, relationships and works of an increasingly important lineage of American artists.

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