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Continuing the War Against Domestic Violence, Second Edition

par Lee E. Ross

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Anyone can become a victim of domestic violence. As such, it is essential for all of us to continue the war against domestic violence. Supplying a comprehensive overview of domestic violence across racial/ethnic groups, the new edition of this popular reference explores topics rarely discussed in other domestic violence texts as well as the barriers that often discourage victims from reporting abuse. Continuing the War Against Domestic Violence, Second Edition provides readers with the benefit of varied perspectives from both academics and professionals. It outlines prosecution and defense strategies and supplies a balanced critique of mandatory arrest policies. This fully revised edition supplies new coverage of the problems often encountered when victims seek police help. It includes three new chapters on dating violence, religion and domestic violence, and historical interventions in response to domestic violence. In part I readers will gain an understanding of the salient issues unique to certain racial/ethnic/cultural groups. Part II offers a unique and rare insight into the correlates, causes, and contextual properties of domestic violence. Part III, which constitutes the substance of this book, explains how criminal justice systems through their policies, procedures, and operations respond to domestic violence. Following in the tradition of the first edition, this book devotes considerable attention to the experiences and perspectives of criminal and social justice practitioners alongside researchers, child welfare workers, and other renowned scholars across disciplines. Offering comprehensive and interdisciplinary coverage of key topics that benefit a diverse audience, the book concludes by offering a unique perspective on punishing and rehabilitating offenders."… (plus d'informations)

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Anyone can become a victim of domestic violence. As such, it is essential for all of us to continue the war against domestic violence. Supplying a comprehensive overview of domestic violence across racial/ethnic groups, the new edition of this popular reference explores topics rarely discussed in other domestic violence texts as well as the barriers that often discourage victims from reporting abuse. Continuing the War Against Domestic Violence, Second Edition provides readers with the benefit of varied perspectives from both academics and professionals. It outlines prosecution and defense strategies and supplies a balanced critique of mandatory arrest policies. This fully revised edition supplies new coverage of the problems often encountered when victims seek police help. It includes three new chapters on dating violence, religion and domestic violence, and historical interventions in response to domestic violence. In part I readers will gain an understanding of the salient issues unique to certain racial/ethnic/cultural groups. Part II offers a unique and rare insight into the correlates, causes, and contextual properties of domestic violence. Part III, which constitutes the substance of this book, explains how criminal justice systems through their policies, procedures, and operations respond to domestic violence. Following in the tradition of the first edition, this book devotes considerable attention to the experiences and perspectives of criminal and social justice practitioners alongside researchers, child welfare workers, and other renowned scholars across disciplines. Offering comprehensive and interdisciplinary coverage of key topics that benefit a diverse audience, the book concludes by offering a unique perspective on punishing and rehabilitating offenders."

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