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In Geronimo's Footsteps: A Journey Beyond Legend

par Corine Sombrun

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Biography & Autobiography. History. Multi-Cultural. Nonfiction. HTML:"Geronimo's great-grandson recounts the famous Apache chief's life in a riveting book" (Le Monde).

The name Geronimo came to Corine Sombrun insistently in a trance during her apprenticeship to a Mongolian shaman. That message and the need to understand its meaning brought her to the home of the legendary Apache leader's great-grandson, Harlyn Geronimo, himself a medicine man on the Mescalero Apache reservation in New Mexico. Together, the two of them—the French seeker and the Native American healer—would make a pilgrimage that retraced Geronimo's life while following the course of the Gila River to the place of his birth, at its source.

Told in the alternating voices of its authors, In Geronimo's Footsteps is the record of that journey. At its core is Harlyn's account of Geronimo's life, from his earliest days in a Chiricahua Apache family and his path as a warrior and chief to his surrender and the years spent in exile until his death, at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Completing Corine's circle, the book also explores the links, genetic and possibly cultural, between the Apache and the people of Mongolia.

"Harlyn Geronimo's passionate commitment to return the remains of Geronimo, his legendary great-grandfather, from Fort Sill, Oklahoma, where he died a prisoner, to his birthplace and native home at the headwaters of the Gila River in New Mexico is a profound revelation of the endurance of the Native American spirit." —Ramsey Clark, former United States attorney general

"Captivating . . . The chapters devoted to Geronimo read like an initiation story, while those on contemporary Apache life are classic reportage." —Nouvel Observateur.
… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parwendat, frenchhorn88

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Biography & Autobiography. History. Multi-Cultural. Nonfiction. HTML:"Geronimo's great-grandson recounts the famous Apache chief's life in a riveting book" (Le Monde).

The name Geronimo came to Corine Sombrun insistently in a trance during her apprenticeship to a Mongolian shaman. That message and the need to understand its meaning brought her to the home of the legendary Apache leader's great-grandson, Harlyn Geronimo, himself a medicine man on the Mescalero Apache reservation in New Mexico. Together, the two of them—the French seeker and the Native American healer—would make a pilgrimage that retraced Geronimo's life while following the course of the Gila River to the place of his birth, at its source.

Told in the alternating voices of its authors, In Geronimo's Footsteps is the record of that journey. At its core is Harlyn's account of Geronimo's life, from his earliest days in a Chiricahua Apache family and his path as a warrior and chief to his surrender and the years spent in exile until his death, at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Completing Corine's circle, the book also explores the links, genetic and possibly cultural, between the Apache and the people of Mongolia.

"Harlyn Geronimo's passionate commitment to return the remains of Geronimo, his legendary great-grandfather, from Fort Sill, Oklahoma, where he died a prisoner, to his birthplace and native home at the headwaters of the Gila River in New Mexico is a profound revelation of the endurance of the Native American spirit." —Ramsey Clark, former United States attorney general

"Captivating . . . The chapters devoted to Geronimo read like an initiation story, while those on contemporary Apache life are classic reportage." —Nouvel Observateur.

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