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The No Work Garden: Getting the Most Out of…

The No Work Garden: Getting the Most Out of Your Garden with the Least Amount of Work (édition 2003)

par Bob Flowerdew (Auteur)

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721381,207 (3.2)1
For the lazy gardener, here is the guide to gardening with little time and with no chemicals. The No-Work Garden shares gardening expert Bob Flowerdew's approach to organic garden design and maintenance. The trick is to enlist nature's help.The novice and the experienced gardener will uncover the secrets, not the conventions, of how to get an easy and natural garden with tasty results. They'll discover how to avoid countless chores like weeding and watering, as well as how to choose plants that will thrive in the natural environment."This is a book to sit down and read-amusing, anecdotal and original." -Gardening Which?… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The No Work Garden: Getting the Most Out of Your Garden with the Least Amount of Work
Auteurs:Bob Flowerdew (Auteur)
Info:Laurel Glen (2003), 192 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The No-Work Garden par Bob Flowerdew


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Not all of this book is particularly relevant to semi-arid Colorado, but there are still a lot of good ideas in this book. ( )
  JBarringer | Dec 15, 2023 |
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For the lazy gardener, here is the guide to gardening with little time and with no chemicals. The No-Work Garden shares gardening expert Bob Flowerdew's approach to organic garden design and maintenance. The trick is to enlist nature's help.The novice and the experienced gardener will uncover the secrets, not the conventions, of how to get an easy and natural garden with tasty results. They'll discover how to avoid countless chores like weeding and watering, as well as how to choose plants that will thrive in the natural environment."This is a book to sit down and read-amusing, anecdotal and original." -Gardening Which?

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