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American Titan: Searching for John Wayne…

American Titan: Searching for John Wayne (HBDJ) (édition 2014)

par Marc Eliot (Auteur)

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From the veteran New York Times bestselling biographer comes a major, in-depth look at one of the most enduring American icons of all time, "the Duke," John Wayne. As he did in his bestselling biographies of Jimmy Stewart and Clint Eastwood, acclaimed Hollywood biographer Marc Eliot digs deep beneath the myth in this revealing look at the most legendary Western film hero of all time; the man with the distinctive voice, walk, and demeanor who was an inspiration to many and a symbol of American masculinity, power, and patriotism. Eliot pays tribute to the man and the myth, identifying and analyzing the many interesting contradictions that made John Wayne who he was: an Academy Award-winning actor associated with cowboys and soldiers who didn't like horses and never served in a war; a Republican icon who voted for Democrats Roosevelt and Truman; a white man often accused of racism who married three Mexican wives. Here are stories of the movies he made famous as well as numerous friends and legendary colleagues such as John Ford, Maureen O'Hara, Natalie Wood, and Dean Martin. A top box-office draw for more than three decades--starring in 142 films from Stagecoach and True Grit, for which he won the Oscar to The Quiet Man and The Green Berets--John Wayne's life and career paralleled nearly the entire twentieth century, from the Depression through World War II to the upheavals of the 1960s. Setting his life within the sweeping political and social transformations that defined the nation, Eliot's masterful portrait of the man they called Duke is a remarkable in depth look at a life and the "American Century" itself.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:American Titan: Searching for John Wayne (HBDJ)
Auteurs:Marc Eliot (Auteur)
Info:Dey Street Books
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:Biography, Biography Entertainment, Entertainment, Movies & Television

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American Titan: Searching for John Wayne par Marc Eliot


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This is a good reminder of how much of a presence Wayne had in the twentieth century and how he invented a persona that inspired millions of moviegoers. Eliot never, to his credit, argues that Wayne couldn't act (a dull and essentially useless idea) and treats Wayne's highs with the respect they deserve. Eliot is good on some of the disasters, too, like The Alamo, The Conqueror and The Green Berets. He's also good on Wayne's relationship with Ford--and while that's nothing readers of Joseph McBride's Searching for John Ford don't know, it's a good primer for those who don't. The last fifty pages, in which Eliot tells the story of Wayne's cancer, final public appearance, and need to be forgiven by his third wife, are moving.

In his documentary on The Searchers, John Milius says something like, "When people say, 'Oh, John Wayne doesn't really act, I always think of The Searchers and think that that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard." Eliot thinks likewise. ( )
  Stubb | Aug 28, 2018 |
AMERICAN TITAN provides an extensive discussion of the life of John Wayne, with special focus on each of his films. The book begins with his family background, then soon branches into the early life of Marion Morrison. As a young gangly boy with an odd name, Marion was endlessly ridiculed by his schoolmates, until he learned how to fight and punch. After he decked one of his bigger tormentors, that put a stop to the teasing.

Most of AMERICAN TITAN is spent on the films. There is much detail--the actors, producer, director, etc. A lot of time is spent on Wayne's friendships with the directors and producers. The extensive notes and details on each film gets a little old after a while, but readers who are avid film buffs will find that part more interesting.

It was interesting to see how Wayne slowly got his start in Hollywood, and how poor an actor he was at first. When asked if he could ask, he replied, "Don't be silly, I can't act."

For me, the highlight of the book was near the end of the book, where Wayne is (barely) able to make it to the 1979 Academy Awards. The backstage workers honored him with an ovation, and Wayne quipped, "Hell, I'd have gotten sick before if I knew I'd get this kind of treatment." After his introduction by Johnny Carson, the frail actor ambles onto the stage, where he presents the award for Best Picture.

All in all, AMERICAN TITAN is an interesting read, albeit a little slow at times. It was heart wrenching to read about Wayne's last days, and his terrible end due to stomach cancer.

I have seen the bigger than life status of John Wayne many times at Orange County Airport, and it was good to finally get to know more about this great actor. Eliot provides an extensive Bibliography and Resource Notes at the end of the book.

Review copy courtesy of NetGalley ( )
  bassocantor | Dec 11, 2014 |
John Wayne was a top box office draw for decades and symbolized masculinity, power, and patriotism. He is often overlooked and unfairly dismissed as a less talented movie actor however this book demonstrates him as an important voice and artist. The work is entertainingly written but academic enough to be detailed and exhaustive as a survey of Wayne's entire career.

The Big Trail, 1st starring role, 1930

A collection of clips from John Wayne's earliest film appearances:

Stagecoach with John Ford:


Sands of Iwo Jima (1949)

The Quiet Man (1952)

The Searchers (1956)

The Wings of Eagles (1957)

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)

El Dorado

True Grit (1969)

Wayne at Harvard:
  gmicksmith | May 21, 2017 |
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From the veteran New York Times bestselling biographer comes a major, in-depth look at one of the most enduring American icons of all time, "the Duke," John Wayne. As he did in his bestselling biographies of Jimmy Stewart and Clint Eastwood, acclaimed Hollywood biographer Marc Eliot digs deep beneath the myth in this revealing look at the most legendary Western film hero of all time; the man with the distinctive voice, walk, and demeanor who was an inspiration to many and a symbol of American masculinity, power, and patriotism. Eliot pays tribute to the man and the myth, identifying and analyzing the many interesting contradictions that made John Wayne who he was: an Academy Award-winning actor associated with cowboys and soldiers who didn't like horses and never served in a war; a Republican icon who voted for Democrats Roosevelt and Truman; a white man often accused of racism who married three Mexican wives. Here are stories of the movies he made famous as well as numerous friends and legendary colleagues such as John Ford, Maureen O'Hara, Natalie Wood, and Dean Martin. A top box-office draw for more than three decades--starring in 142 films from Stagecoach and True Grit, for which he won the Oscar to The Quiet Man and The Green Berets--John Wayne's life and career paralleled nearly the entire twentieth century, from the Depression through World War II to the upheavals of the 1960s. Setting his life within the sweeping political and social transformations that defined the nation, Eliot's masterful portrait of the man they called Duke is a remarkable in depth look at a life and the "American Century" itself.

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