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Trapped at the Altar par Jane Feather

Trapped at the Altar (édition 2014)

par Jane Feather (Auteur)

Séries: Trapped [Feather] (1)

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827338,265 (3)8
Ariadne Carfax has vowed to be with the man she loves, Gabriel Fawcett. There's just one obstacle. On his deathbed, Ari's grandfather decrees that she marry her childhood friend Ivor Chalfont, thus forging a powerful alliance between the two warring families. Giving Ari no time to protest, the elders plan her wedding the next day, forcing her to follow through on the nuptials. Though she is fond of Ivor, Ari has no intention of consummating their marriage--until he kindles an intoxicating desire that she can't ignore. Ivor has loved Ari for years, but he doesn't want an unwilling wife. He wants Ari to ache with the same irresistible longing he feels. And if that's the way to woo her into his bed and into their new life, he won't rest until his new bride surrenders to true love.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Trapped at the Altar
Auteurs:Jane Feather (Auteur)
Info:Pocket Books (2014), 400 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Trapped at the Altar par Jane Feather


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» Voir aussi les 8 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 7 (suivant | tout afficher)
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
This novel had a very slow start, and the conflict between the husband and past lover was tepid at best. I was really hoping we would see more of a conflict with the couple's mission and their behaviors in London, which seemed to have some set up early on but never manifested. Also, the author has a terrible habit of switching perspective mid-page. I feel like some solid editing could have helped this novel work a lot better because there were several stories fighting for space that never really came together well. On the plus side, the OTP themselves had great chemistry, and the sex scenes were graphic without using the stereotypical euphemistic language some writers are fond of. Frankly, the straightforward sex scenes are where this author shines. Not a book I would go out of my way to read had I known, and not one I would highly recommend. Not bad -- meh. ( )
  ladypembroke | May 17, 2019 |
3.5 stars (goodreads really does need to make half stars an option)

******Full Review********

“When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.”

Ari is a young woman who grew up in a very sheltered valley having her whims catered to. She deems herself in love with Gabriel, a poet living next to her little realm. Her attraction is based on how different he is from the rough and tumble men of her valley. When her grandfather dies, her uncle, who does not hold Ari in the same affection, is left in charge. Ari finds an old betrothal between her and her childhood friend Ivor, is suddenly very much in play.

As the reader, you are not going to like Ari right away. She is young, immature, and spoiled. Ivor, on the other hand, you will find yourself staunchly on his side. He knows about Ari’s other lover but is willing to overlook her youthful indiscretions if she embraces her role as his wife after they are married. Ari and Ivor have a solid friendship, they just need to find a way to incorporate a romantic side to it. Due to what Ivor feels was his childhood abandonment, he has major trust issues and Ari with her brick wall up against Ivor, create a story full of secrets, lies, strife, and growing up.

The pace of 80% of this story is very deliberate, slow moving even. It takes about half way into the book before the real focus is on Ari and Ivor’s relationship. The couple is traveling to London to gain influence for their family at court and along the way, Ari finds herself learning to accept and in fact appreciate her fate and marriage, hence the beginning quote I used. The time period is 1600s, during the Catholic and Protestant split and there are some intriguing moments of Ari and Ivor trying to straddle the line but it’s not a major player in the book.

This story is about the ins and outs of a working marriage, the building of trust, love, and affection. While I felt the ending rapped up far too quickly when Ari’s secrets came to light, Gabriel goes through a character change that feels forced so that, I imagine, readers can look upon Ivor as the true hero, and the time period isn’t really felt except through talk of clothing and sometimes speech, the writing is solid and of quality. Even though the heroine is frustrating at times and the pace is, like I said, slow moving, I would still recommend this book, especially for the type of person who enjoys a good chess game.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. ( )
  WhiskeyintheJar | Feb 14, 2019 |
Set during the 1680's in England, Ari was raised in a secluded valley, and falls in love with a poet from outside the valley. However, her grandfather before his death, decrees that she marry Igor and go to the court, so forge alliances. Can Igor make her love him? ( )
  nancynova | Aug 26, 2017 |
Ariade Daunt has been independent since the age of three and maybe even before. At the age of three she meets this wee lad and kinda takes him under her wing. Now that she is of age, she suppose to marry the lad that helped adapted to his surroundings. But the only problem is that she is in love with another guy. The arrangement to marry this lad has be set since she was born. The guy that she, Ari, loves is this a poet. Ari knows that her family will not approve of this love match so she keeps it a secret from them. Until her intended found out about him one day, but he keeps her secret.

Ivor Chalfont, is the wee lad that Ari meets when she was three. They become best friends. He knows all of her secrets, even her new found love. He wants the marriage even though she doesn't. He wants this marriage to work because along the way he feel in love with her.

The whole plan for the marriage between Ari and Ivor is to establish their place with the court. Ivor agrees to this because to him more is at stake and he wants what is offered to him more than what he will gain.

This one of my favorite authors. I have read and own a lot of her books. I love all of them. I recommend this book to others. ( )
  shyalwayz | Aug 5, 2014 |
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Ariadne Carfax has vowed to be with the man she loves, Gabriel Fawcett. There's just one obstacle. On his deathbed, Ari's grandfather decrees that she marry her childhood friend Ivor Chalfont, thus forging a powerful alliance between the two warring families. Giving Ari no time to protest, the elders plan her wedding the next day, forcing her to follow through on the nuptials. Though she is fond of Ivor, Ari has no intention of consummating their marriage--until he kindles an intoxicating desire that she can't ignore. Ivor has loved Ari for years, but he doesn't want an unwilling wife. He wants Ari to ache with the same irresistible longing he feels. And if that's the way to woo her into his bed and into their new life, he won't rest until his new bride surrenders to true love.

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