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Companions in Christ. A Small-Group Experience in Spiritual Formation / Leader's Guide

par Stephen D. Bryant, Janice Grana, Marjorie J. Thompson

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The sensational small groups series Companions in Christ is now being offered in a new 5-piece participant book set as well as the traditional 1-piece participant book set.  With the same great daily devotional material and group conversation, the two different participant book styles allow each group to create a study that best fits their members.  The new 5-piece participant book set will allow groups to take initial breaks between modules.    The new Leader's Guide will allow the leader to facilitate Companions groups that use both types of participant books.  The Leader's Guide will also include the "Getting Started" guide as a part of the appendix and the Weekly Needs at a Glance will be added to beginning of the text.    It is our hope with these new resources, past Companions in Christ participates will feel encouraged to lead their own groups in a way that is both challenging and comfortable.… (plus d'informations)

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Stephen D. Bryantauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Grana, Janiceauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Thompson, Marjorie J.auteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé

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The sensational small groups series Companions in Christ is now being offered in a new 5-piece participant book set as well as the traditional 1-piece participant book set.  With the same great daily devotional material and group conversation, the two different participant book styles allow each group to create a study that best fits their members.  The new 5-piece participant book set will allow groups to take initial breaks between modules.    The new Leader's Guide will allow the leader to facilitate Companions groups that use both types of participant books.  The Leader's Guide will also include the "Getting Started" guide as a part of the appendix and the Weekly Needs at a Glance will be added to beginning of the text.    It is our hope with these new resources, past Companions in Christ participates will feel encouraged to lead their own groups in a way that is both challenging and comfortable.

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