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Veronica Mars 2: An Original Mystery by Rob…

Veronica Mars 2: An Original Mystery by Rob Thomas: Mr. Kiss and Tell (édition 2015)

par Rob Thomas (Auteur)

Séries: Veronica Mars (Book 2)

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7245532,650 (3.85)16
Fiction. Literature. Mystery. Thriller. HTML:In the second book in the New York Times bestselling mystery series, Veronica Mars is back with a case that will expose the hidden workings of one of Neptune’s most murderous locations.

The Neptune Grand has always been the seaside town’s ritziest hotel, despite the shady dealings and high-profile scandals that seem to follow its elite guests. When a woman claims that she was brutally assaulted in one of its rooms and left for dead by a staff member, the owners know that they have a potential powder keg on their hands. They turn to Veronica to disprove—or prove—the woman's story.
The case is a complicated mix of hard facts, mysterious occurrences, and uncooperative witnesses. The hotel refuses to turn over its reservation list and the victim won’t divulge who she was meeting that night. Add in the facts that the attack happened months ago, the victim’s memory is fuzzy, and there are holes in the hotel’s surveillance system, and Veronica has a convoluted mess on her hands. As she works to fill in the missing pieces, it becomes clear that someone is lying—but who? And why?
… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Veronica Mars 2: An Original Mystery by Rob Thomas: Mr. Kiss and Tell
Auteurs:Rob Thomas (Auteur)
Info:Vintage (2015), Edition: Media tie-in, 336 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Mr. Kiss and Tell par Rob Thomas (Author)


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» Voir aussi les 16 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 54 (suivant | tout afficher)
i wish kirsten bell had read me this but i loved the story! ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
i wish kirsten bell had read me this but i loved the story! ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
Wonderful novel. A few new characters introduced, pasts of characters filled in, and as always written perfectly. I don't dare discuss the contents .. I'll accidentally give spoilers. I'll just say it was *really* good.

Eagerly awaiting more from this series! =)

eta: I see others are mentioning some of the things in this book. So...
Brilliant development regarding Logan. Can't wait to see where this goes
I'm wondering if Veronica will connect with the "girls" she met in Seattle?
I agree with someone else that we may find out about Duncan and Lilly. really curious about that.
PONY! (I feel like I could recognize Pony if I saw her somewhere)
Weevil - I understand what happened but *ugh*

( )
  Kiri | Dec 24, 2023 |
3.5 stars

I'm always glad to reconnect with Veronica and her people! The case was interesting and I liked the turns it took - not too predictable, but not impossible to follow, either. I appreciated that we got a greater look at Veronica's personal life in this book.

I do think there was more profanity in this book than in the first one, and there was a bit of anti-Christian sentiment, as well. Apart from the profanity, though, the vocabulary was varied and not limited to a junior-high level, which was much appreciated!

But overall, it was an enjoyable read. I haven't heard about additional books in the series, but I'm hoping they do happen at some point! ( )
  RachelRachelRachel | Nov 21, 2023 |
When a woman who was attacked at the ritzy Neptune Grand blames an employee of the hotel, Veronica is hired to prove that she is lying. Veronica, of course, prefers to take the case further and find out who really was behind the attack, if the woman was indeed lying. However, as she starts to peel back the layers to this case, she's reminded that things aren't always what they seem and that justice often takes a back seat to apathy.

I liked this book a little more than the previous, for various reasons. The main one is the inclusion of the side plot involving Weevil's arrest from the end of the Veronica Mars movie. But I also feel like the main mystery plot held my attention a bit more. Maybe the set-up resembles mysteries Veronica has gone after before, which can make it feel a little overdone at first, but it didn't bother me as much as it might others. It was interesting to see Veronica questioning certain choices when she looks around and sees what might have been--both in her personal life and in her career. The story spans several months, just like the over-arcing mysteries do in the show, but instead of being able to see the day-to-day cases she works on (because it'd be too much for one book), we just see gaps in time. What bothered me, though, is that Veronica let her obsession on this case, even after it was officially closed with the client, leads Veronica to ignore everything else, which isn't really like her. Plus, her response to being caught in a few different compromising situations in her investigating also seems a bit off from what we know of her.

Regarding the Weevil plot, I loved it. Keith and Cliff working together to try to bring down Sheriff Dan Lamb felt like all the old show magic coming back. And even more so, in the end, there's no easy victory, no sugary outcome, not even always a "good guy" or "bad guy" left standing in the end. I even liked the fact that Sheriff Don Lamb, for all his corrupt and just plain mean ways, was remembered for that one decent thing he did.

While the audiobook for the previous book in the series was narrated by Kristen Bell, that was not the case with this book, so I read it myself. I still liked it a lot, and because I've seen the show so much, had no trouble imagining the characters as they were portrayed in the show. Whether or not this book would hold up for people who've never seen the show, I can't say for sure, though I'd guess probably not. I'm not sure it's meant to, either. For fans of the show, though, I definitely recommend this book and the one preceding it. ( )
  Kristi_D | Sep 22, 2023 |
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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Thomas, RobAuteurauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Graham, JenniferAuteurauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Lowman, RebeccaNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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Veronica Mars (Book 2)
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It was raining in Neptune.
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

Fiction. Literature. Mystery. Thriller. HTML:In the second book in the New York Times bestselling mystery series, Veronica Mars is back with a case that will expose the hidden workings of one of Neptune’s most murderous locations.

The Neptune Grand has always been the seaside town’s ritziest hotel, despite the shady dealings and high-profile scandals that seem to follow its elite guests. When a woman claims that she was brutally assaulted in one of its rooms and left for dead by a staff member, the owners know that they have a potential powder keg on their hands. They turn to Veronica to disprove—or prove—the woman's story.
The case is a complicated mix of hard facts, mysterious occurrences, and uncooperative witnesses. The hotel refuses to turn over its reservation list and the victim won’t divulge who she was meeting that night. Add in the facts that the attack happened months ago, the victim’s memory is fuzzy, and there are holes in the hotel’s surveillance system, and Veronica has a convoluted mess on her hands. As she works to fill in the missing pieces, it becomes clear that someone is lying—but who? And why?

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