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Southern Discomfort par Rita Mae Brown

Southern Discomfort (original 1982; édition 1982)

par Rita Mae Brown (Auteur)

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543746,335 (3.55)16
Only Rita Mae Brown, author of Rubyfruit Jungle, could have written a novel as passionately delightful as Southern Discomfort.  Here is a witty, warm and pentrating tale of two decades in Montgomery Alabama--a world where all is not what it seems.   Meet Hortensia Reedmuller Banastre, a beautiful woman entrenched on old money, white magnolia and a loveless marriage--until she meets an utterly gorgeous young prizefighter.  Amid such memorable characters as Banana Mae Parker and Blue Rhonda Latrec (two first-class whores) and Reverend Linton Ray (who wears his clerical collar too tightly for anyone's good), Hortensia struggles to survive the hurricane of emotions caused by her scandalous love.  How she ultimately triumphs is a touching and beautiful human drama--an intense and exuberant affair of the heart.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Southern Discomfort
Auteurs:Rita Mae Brown (Auteur)
Info:Harper & Row (1982), Edition: 1st, 249 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Southern Discomfort par Rita Mae Brown (1982)


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» Voir aussi les 16 mentions

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Second only to Rubyfruit Jungle in excellence. ( )
  Windyone1 | May 10, 2022 |
could be 'discomfor'-able for some to read, but I enjoyed it ( )
  cskerr13 | Jun 27, 2009 |
Another of Rita Mae's best. A wonderfully surprising ending. ( )
  willowcove | Feb 19, 2009 |
I really enjoyed this book. I like how the characters learn to get along and have real relationships while pretending to preserve the social order. I liked that the characters were not perfect, but they tried to live lives that meant something to themselves.
  sussabmax | Jul 12, 2007 |
Rita Mae Brown wonderful style got me hooked on her books. It's been twenty years since I read this and I won't venture to write a full review. I do know, however, that I have immensely enjoyed all her book and recommend them to all. ( )
  latinobookgeek | Mar 22, 2007 |
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Rita Mae Brownauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Kapteijns-Bacuna, AnnaTraducteurauteur principalquelques éditionsconfirmé
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Only Rita Mae Brown, author of Rubyfruit Jungle, could have written a novel as passionately delightful as Southern Discomfort.  Here is a witty, warm and pentrating tale of two decades in Montgomery Alabama--a world where all is not what it seems.   Meet Hortensia Reedmuller Banastre, a beautiful woman entrenched on old money, white magnolia and a loveless marriage--until she meets an utterly gorgeous young prizefighter.  Amid such memorable characters as Banana Mae Parker and Blue Rhonda Latrec (two first-class whores) and Reverend Linton Ray (who wears his clerical collar too tightly for anyone's good), Hortensia struggles to survive the hurricane of emotions caused by her scandalous love.  How she ultimately triumphs is a touching and beautiful human drama--an intense and exuberant affair of the heart.

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