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Pillar to the Sky: A Novel par William R.…

Pillar to the Sky: A Novel (édition 2014)

par William R. Forstchen (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1549183,695 (3.33)8
"A towering epic to rank with Douglas Preston's Blasphemy and Michael Crichton's Prey... Pandemic drought, skyrocketing oil prices, dwindling energy supplies and wars of water scarcity threaten the planet. Only four people can prevent global chaos. Gary Morgan--a brilliant, renegade scientist is pilloried by the scientific community for his belief in a space elevator: a pillar to the sky, which he believes will make space flight fast, simple and affordable. Eva Morgan--a brilliant and beautiful scientist of Ukrainian descent, she has had a lifelong obsession to build a pillar to the sky, a vertiginous tower which would mine the power of the sun and supply humanity with cheap, limitless energy forever. Gunther Rothenberg--the ancient but revered rocket-scientist who labored at Peenemunda with von Braun to create the first rockets and continued on to build those of today. A legend, he has mentored Gary and Natalia for two decades, nurturing and encouraging their transcendent vision. Franklin Smith--the eccentric Silicon Valley billionaire who will champion their cause, wage war with Congress and government bureaucracy and most important, finance their herculean undertaking. This journey to the stars will not be easy--a tumultuous struggle filled with violence and heroism, love and death, spellbinding beauty and heartbreaking betrayal. The stakes could not be higher. Humanity's salvation will hang in the balance"--… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Pillar to the Sky: A Novel
Auteurs:William R. Forstchen (Auteur)
Info:Tor Books (2014), Edition: First, 400 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Pillar to the Sky par William R. Forstchen


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» Voir aussi les 8 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 9 (suivant | tout afficher)
Fantastic! What a great read! Well preformed narration. Refreshing, moving, emotional, hopeful, action - this book has it all. Most highly recommended.

FROM AMAZON: A towering epic to rank with Douglas Preston's Blasphemy and Michael Crichton's Prey

Pandemic drought, skyrocketing oil prices, dwindling energy supplies, and wars of water scarcity threaten the planet. Only four people can prevent global chaos.

Gary Morgan - a brilliant renegade scientist pilloried by the scientific community for his belief in a space elevator: a pillar to the sky, which he believes will make space flight fast, simple, and affordable.

Eva Morgan - a brilliant and beautiful scientist of Ukranian descent, she has had a lifelong obsession to build a pillar to the sky, a vertiginous tower that would mine the power of the sun and supply humanity with cheap, limitless energy forever.

Gunther Rothenberg - the ancient but revered rocket scientist who labored at Peenemünde with von Braun to create the first rockets and continued on to build those of today. A legend, he has mentored Gary and Eva for two decades, nurturing and encouraging their transcendent vision.

Franklin Smith - the eccentric Silicon Valley billionaire who will champion their cause, wage war with Congress and government bureaucracy, and most important, finance their herculean undertaking.

This journey to the stars will not be easy; it will be a tumultuous struggle filled with violence and heroism, love and death, spellbinding beauty and heartbreaking betrayal. The stakes could not be higher. Humanity's salvation will hang in the balance. ( )
  Gmomaj | Jan 22, 2024 |
Meh. ( )
  ReginaBrown | Dec 7, 2022 |
Ik heb stukken overgeslagen omdat het langdradig werd op sommige plaatsen. ( )
  PJDeSmet | Aug 23, 2022 |
Very hard sci-fi. Lots of repetition of metaphors and scientific concepts. The characters take a long time to care about. Excellent premise and some true emotional moments. Ultimately, it's a giant commercial for NASA and a plea for the spirit to do bold things. ( )
  alexezell | Nov 14, 2018 |
Really enjoyed "One Second After" about an American town after an electrical disruption wiped out normal existence. This one, unfortunately, became tedious fairly quickly and was at least twice the length it should have been to make its point. Valid point in there but buried. ( )
  abycats | May 11, 2018 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 9 (suivant | tout afficher)
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Youll, PaulArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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"A towering epic to rank with Douglas Preston's Blasphemy and Michael Crichton's Prey... Pandemic drought, skyrocketing oil prices, dwindling energy supplies and wars of water scarcity threaten the planet. Only four people can prevent global chaos. Gary Morgan--a brilliant, renegade scientist is pilloried by the scientific community for his belief in a space elevator: a pillar to the sky, which he believes will make space flight fast, simple and affordable. Eva Morgan--a brilliant and beautiful scientist of Ukrainian descent, she has had a lifelong obsession to build a pillar to the sky, a vertiginous tower which would mine the power of the sun and supply humanity with cheap, limitless energy forever. Gunther Rothenberg--the ancient but revered rocket-scientist who labored at Peenemunda with von Braun to create the first rockets and continued on to build those of today. A legend, he has mentored Gary and Natalia for two decades, nurturing and encouraging their transcendent vision. Franklin Smith--the eccentric Silicon Valley billionaire who will champion their cause, wage war with Congress and government bureaucracy and most important, finance their herculean undertaking. This journey to the stars will not be easy--a tumultuous struggle filled with violence and heroism, love and death, spellbinding beauty and heartbreaking betrayal. The stakes could not be higher. Humanity's salvation will hang in the balance"--

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