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par Amanda Milne (Directeur de publication), Fiona McLean (Directeur de publication)

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Cascadia: it's the mythical-sounding, temperate region bordering the West Coasts of Canada and the northern United States, and defined by the Cascades Mountain Range. With its mountains, rainforests, ocean, and beaches, the area is perfect for knitting year-round. Natives to the region, Amanda Milne and Fiona McLean have imbued their knit-centric events company, Knit Social, with a warm and creative atmosphere that is wholly infectious. Now they share the warmth and creativity of their home with you in their first book, Cascadia. They have gathered from the region's abundant design talent, to bring you gorgeous sweaters, shawls, hats, socks, and other fun-to-knit, beautiful-to-wear garments. Contributing designers are Jane Richmond, Tin Can Knits, Emily Wessel, Alexa Ludeman, Megan Goodacre, Judy Marples, Holli Yeoh, Melissa Thomson, Amanda Kaffka, and Amanda Milne. With breathtaking photography by Alexa Ludeman and foreword by Kim Werker.… (plus d'informations)

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Milne, AmandaDirecteur de publicationauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
McLean, FionaDirecteur de publicationauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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Cascadia: it's the mythical-sounding, temperate region bordering the West Coasts of Canada and the northern United States, and defined by the Cascades Mountain Range. With its mountains, rainforests, ocean, and beaches, the area is perfect for knitting year-round. Natives to the region, Amanda Milne and Fiona McLean have imbued their knit-centric events company, Knit Social, with a warm and creative atmosphere that is wholly infectious. Now they share the warmth and creativity of their home with you in their first book, Cascadia. They have gathered from the region's abundant design talent, to bring you gorgeous sweaters, shawls, hats, socks, and other fun-to-knit, beautiful-to-wear garments. Contributing designers are Jane Richmond, Tin Can Knits, Emily Wessel, Alexa Ludeman, Megan Goodacre, Judy Marples, Holli Yeoh, Melissa Thomson, Amanda Kaffka, and Amanda Milne. With breathtaking photography by Alexa Ludeman and foreword by Kim Werker.

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