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Making Etched Metal Jewelry: Techniques and Projects, Step by Step

par Kristen Robinson

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Copper, brass, and silver! Looking to take your jewelry skills and experience to the next level? With Making Etched Metal Jewelry you will become an alchemist, a magician, a historian, a storyteller.... The rewards of making etched metal jewelry are plenty. There really is no other way to create jewelry that holds such depth, texture, romance and history. The images you etch are all up to you--use stamps, photos, hand drawn symbols or handwritten text. Add velvet, gemstones, pearls and other bits of ephemera meaningful to you and create something that is truly one of a kind! With Making Etched Metal Jewelry you will:    * Learn several techniques for etching brass, copper and nickel silver of all shapes and sizes, following step by step instruction and extensive safety precautions.    * Make 17 step-by-step projects including necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings and more.    * Incorporate beads, wirework, fabric, ribbon, photos, soldering and more into your jewelry as you master techniques as varied as wrapping bead dangles and cutting and doming metal circles. Make a statement. Make an heirloom. Make etched metal jewelry!… (plus d'informations)

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Copper, brass, and silver! Looking to take your jewelry skills and experience to the next level? With Making Etched Metal Jewelry you will become an alchemist, a magician, a historian, a storyteller.... The rewards of making etched metal jewelry are plenty. There really is no other way to create jewelry that holds such depth, texture, romance and history. The images you etch are all up to you--use stamps, photos, hand drawn symbols or handwritten text. Add velvet, gemstones, pearls and other bits of ephemera meaningful to you and create something that is truly one of a kind! With Making Etched Metal Jewelry you will:    * Learn several techniques for etching brass, copper and nickel silver of all shapes and sizes, following step by step instruction and extensive safety precautions.    * Make 17 step-by-step projects including necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings and more.    * Incorporate beads, wirework, fabric, ribbon, photos, soldering and more into your jewelry as you master techniques as varied as wrapping bead dangles and cutting and doming metal circles. Make a statement. Make an heirloom. Make etched metal jewelry!

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