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A Spy in the Archives: A Memoir of Cold War…

A Spy in the Archives: A Memoir of Cold War Russia (édition 2015)

par Sheila Fitzpatrick (Auteur)

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321773,413 (4)2
Moscow in the 1960s was the other side of the Iron Curtain: mysterious, exotic, even dangerous. In 1966 the historian Sheila Fitzpatrick travelled to Moscow to research in the Soviet archives. This was the era of Brezhnev, of a possible 'thaw' in the Cold War, when the Soviets couldn't decide either to thaw out properly or re-freeze. Moscow, the world capital of socialism, was renowned for its drabness. The buses were overcrowded; there were endemic shortages and endless queues. This was also the age of regular spying scandals and tit-for-tat diplomatic expulsions and it was no surprise that visiting students were subject to intense scrutiny by the KGB. Many of Fitzpatrick's friends were involved in espionage activities - and indeed others were accused of being spies or kept under close surveillance. In this book, Sheila Fitzpatrick provides a unique insight into everyday life in Soviet Moscow. Full of drama and colourful characters, her remarkable memoir highlights the dangers and drudgery faced by Westerners living under communism.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:A Spy in the Archives: A Memoir of Cold War Russia
Auteurs:Sheila Fitzpatrick (Auteur)
Info:I.B. Tauris (2015), 352 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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A Spy in the Archives: A Memoir of Cold War Russia par Sheila Fitzpatrick


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I read this as a continuation of "My father's daughter" and was not disappointed. There is much to admire in Fitzpatrick's gutsy determination to succeed as an historian of Soviet Russia - against political opponents, academic rivals, Soviet suspicion and bureaucracy, prejudice against female academics (in the sixties and seventies), relationship problems, etc. It is a very revealing description of the time, and sometimes surprising - but for me her seeming lack of reaction to the worst aspects of the Cold War - the Vietnam war for example - is difficult to understand. ( )
  noellib | Mar 15, 2014 |
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Moscow in the 1960s was the other side of the Iron Curtain: mysterious, exotic, even dangerous. In 1966 the historian Sheila Fitzpatrick travelled to Moscow to research in the Soviet archives. This was the era of Brezhnev, of a possible 'thaw' in the Cold War, when the Soviets couldn't decide either to thaw out properly or re-freeze. Moscow, the world capital of socialism, was renowned for its drabness. The buses were overcrowded; there were endemic shortages and endless queues. This was also the age of regular spying scandals and tit-for-tat diplomatic expulsions and it was no surprise that visiting students were subject to intense scrutiny by the KGB. Many of Fitzpatrick's friends were involved in espionage activities - and indeed others were accused of being spies or kept under close surveillance. In this book, Sheila Fitzpatrick provides a unique insight into everyday life in Soviet Moscow. Full of drama and colourful characters, her remarkable memoir highlights the dangers and drudgery faced by Westerners living under communism.

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