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The Best Life Stories: 150 Real-life Tales of Resilience, Joy, and Hope-all 150 Words or Less!

par Editors of Reader's Digest

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Carefully selected from more than 6,500 essays, this wonderful collection of more than 80 stories reveals pure, common wisdom at its best, shared by ordinary people who look at life in an extraordinary way. From heartbreaking accounts to amusing snapshots, The Best Life Stories will leave you feeling hopeful, resilient, and optimistic that happiness can be found even in the darkest moments. Born out of a Reader's Digest Facebook contest that challenged readers to write their life stories in 150 words or less, this book features the editors' Top Picks, such as the inspirational tale of . . . one father's desolation and the renewal he found in his family's faith and love. one woman's ability to let go of her abusive past after rescuing an abused dog. a mother's pride in a life-changing decision made by her autistic daughter. a breast cancer patient's realization that her identity goes way beyond her diagnosis. a free-spirited woman's choice to live on her own terms. a young girl's proud recognition of her grandfather's simple but profound legacy.  Plainspoken and honest, The best Life Stories will help you discover the meaning of life, the simple joy in the every day.… (plus d'informations)

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Carefully selected from more than 6,500 essays, this wonderful collection of more than 80 stories reveals pure, common wisdom at its best, shared by ordinary people who look at life in an extraordinary way. From heartbreaking accounts to amusing snapshots, The Best Life Stories will leave you feeling hopeful, resilient, and optimistic that happiness can be found even in the darkest moments. Born out of a Reader's Digest Facebook contest that challenged readers to write their life stories in 150 words or less, this book features the editors' Top Picks, such as the inspirational tale of . . . one father's desolation and the renewal he found in his family's faith and love. one woman's ability to let go of her abusive past after rescuing an abused dog. a mother's pride in a life-changing decision made by her autistic daughter. a breast cancer patient's realization that her identity goes way beyond her diagnosis. a free-spirited woman's choice to live on her own terms. a young girl's proud recognition of her grandfather's simple but profound legacy.  Plainspoken and honest, The best Life Stories will help you discover the meaning of life, the simple joy in the every day.

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