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Breakfast at Tiffany's (1958)

par Truman Capote

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8,4852231,038 (3.82)88
Classic Literature. Fiction. Literature. HTML:

In this seductive, wistful masterpiece, Truman Capote created a woman whose name has entered the American idiom and whose style is a part of the literary landscape. Holly Golightly knows that nothing bad can ever happen to you at Tiffany's; her poignancy, wit, and naïveté continue to charm.
This volume also includes three of Capote's best-known stories, ??House of Flowers,? ??A Diamond Guitar,? and ??A Christmas Memory,? which the Saturday Review called ??one of the most moving stories in our language.? It is a tale of two innocents??a small boy and the old woman who is his best friend??whose sweetness contains a
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Affichage de 1-5 de 221 (suivant | tout afficher)
My first Capote novel and probably not my last. Now I need to watch the movie. ( )
  vdandie | Aug 15, 2024 |
Here's what I wrote in 2015 about this read: "Well, finally read this author and this title that's been known for years. Great writing; what took me so long!?!" Quotations in the comments section are my exact kindle highlights. ( )
  MGADMJK | Jul 2, 2024 |
The three short stories were excellent. Did not care for the novella Breakfast at Tiffany's, which seemed dated and pointless.
  Abcdarian | May 18, 2024 |
Honestly didn’t think I’d enjoy this, but I did.

Plot points jumped about quite a bit, it was nothing to expect from a 100 pager.

However the Doc and Lulumae storyline felt randomly placed but as it gave some context to how and why Holly is Holly, it was reasonable. It just probably could have been slightly more expanded upon.

Sad near the end with the whole cat stuff. I liked that cat lol.

Didn’t read the extra three stories because I just didn’t feel like it. Might do at a later date ( )
  HSDCAce | Apr 2, 2024 |
1st time reading rating: 4 stars
2nd time reading rating: 3 stars.

The second time around, reading this analytically (and being older) I’ve just found there is more I disliked than I remembered. Although I found the theme of celebrity and fascination very interesting, I’ve also realized that it’s also a very superficial novel, both thematically and literally. “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” is complex for the fact that’s it’s saying all these different things but the narrative is not all that deep.
Also, reading this the second time made me realize how truly awful the narrator is! I didn’t pick up on that my first time around. ( )
  deborahee | Feb 23, 2024 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 221 (suivant | tout afficher)
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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Capote, Trumanauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Hall, Michael C.Narrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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I am always drawn back to places where I have lived, the houses and the neighborhoods.
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This record is for books which contain the stories Breakfast at Tiffany's, House of Flowers, A Diamond Guitar and A Christmas Memory. Please do not combine editions containing only Breakfast, or with editions that have a different selection of stories.
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Wikipédia en anglais


Classic Literature. Fiction. Literature. HTML:

In this seductive, wistful masterpiece, Truman Capote created a woman whose name has entered the American idiom and whose style is a part of the literary landscape. Holly Golightly knows that nothing bad can ever happen to you at Tiffany's; her poignancy, wit, and naïveté continue to charm.
This volume also includes three of Capote's best-known stories, ??House of Flowers,? ??A Diamond Guitar,? and ??A Christmas Memory,? which the Saturday Review called ??one of the most moving stories in our language.? It is a tale of two innocents??a small boy and the old woman who is his best friend??whose sweetness contains a

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Moyenne: (3.82)
1 19
1.5 4
2 107
2.5 21
3 524
3.5 124
4 864
4.5 73
5 470

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