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Color and Music in the New Age

par Corinne Heline

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The goal of the book is to prevent and/or treat attaches of colds, flu or covid-19. IN THIS HEALTH CARE PROGRAM YOU GET:! One acupressure book and tool are enclosed (40 pages)! 26 webinars on the most frequent symptoms! A Computer program to print important points formore than four thousand conditions! 12 CDs on stress reduction, habits and addiction! 21 innovations with a 78% success rate to makeacupressure work for you valued at over $900.! 2 Ebooks on general Acupressure (460 pages)! 4 specific ebooks How to: (540 pages)! Fight the Virus! Stop the Pain! Quit the Drugs! Survive Cancer You will learn how to use different healing systems in the Stressaway Acupressure Program to heal yourself and family and friends. The major protocols (points used and how to stimulate them) are presented for 50 symptoms related to the current pandemic. Long term successful healing strategies are offered for over four thousand conditions as part of an Acupressure Co_Op. By being a part of this program, which is free so you have the chance to heal and learn about a healing system that is thousands of years old. If you are unhappy with your current health care program, are uninsured or under insured, our plan is for you. You will easily learn everything you need to practice acupressure.… (plus d'informations)

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The goal of the book is to prevent and/or treat attaches of colds, flu or covid-19. IN THIS HEALTH CARE PROGRAM YOU GET:! One acupressure book and tool are enclosed (40 pages)! 26 webinars on the most frequent symptoms! A Computer program to print important points formore than four thousand conditions! 12 CDs on stress reduction, habits and addiction! 21 innovations with a 78% success rate to makeacupressure work for you valued at over $900.! 2 Ebooks on general Acupressure (460 pages)! 4 specific ebooks How to: (540 pages)! Fight the Virus! Stop the Pain! Quit the Drugs! Survive Cancer You will learn how to use different healing systems in the Stressaway Acupressure Program to heal yourself and family and friends. The major protocols (points used and how to stimulate them) are presented for 50 symptoms related to the current pandemic. Long term successful healing strategies are offered for over four thousand conditions as part of an Acupressure Co_Op. By being a part of this program, which is free so you have the chance to heal and learn about a healing system that is thousands of years old. If you are unhappy with your current health care program, are uninsured or under insured, our plan is for you. You will easily learn everything you need to practice acupressure.

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