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Nature's Cancer-Fighting Foods

par Verne Varona

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Based on a solid foundation of the healing properties of good nutrition, this book empowers readers with the information they need to make the best choices and to gain control over their total health and well-being - physical, emotional, and spiritual. While addressing the specific needs of those with a diagnosis of cancer, Varona explores the key factors that science and experience have shown to influence the path of prevention and recovery. Grounded in documented research from leading medical institutions - along with studies of the world's healthiest populations - nutrition educator Verne Varona has developed a breakthrough nutritional and lifestyle programme for immunity building and cancer prevention and recovery. This book provides detailed diet and lifestyle modifications that will reinforce the body's immunity and reduce cell-damage to an absolute minimum. While the bulk of this book is devoted to physical nutrition, eating the right foods is not the whole picture. No matter what course of treatment a patient may choose, clinical research and anecdotal testimony have shown that those who have embraced a range of self-healing choices not only see a positive impact on their physical and psychological well-being but inevitably enhance their chances of survival. The most influential of these choices are: life purpose; positive attitude; managing stress; sense of humor; love and social support; emotional expression; and faith. Along with good nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, and physical exercise, these choices contribute to a more comprehensive and complete healing.… (plus d'informations)

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Based on a solid foundation of the healing properties of good nutrition, this book empowers readers with the information they need to make the best choices and to gain control over their total health and well-being - physical, emotional, and spiritual. While addressing the specific needs of those with a diagnosis of cancer, Varona explores the key factors that science and experience have shown to influence the path of prevention and recovery. Grounded in documented research from leading medical institutions - along with studies of the world's healthiest populations - nutrition educator Verne Varona has developed a breakthrough nutritional and lifestyle programme for immunity building and cancer prevention and recovery. This book provides detailed diet and lifestyle modifications that will reinforce the body's immunity and reduce cell-damage to an absolute minimum. While the bulk of this book is devoted to physical nutrition, eating the right foods is not the whole picture. No matter what course of treatment a patient may choose, clinical research and anecdotal testimony have shown that those who have embraced a range of self-healing choices not only see a positive impact on their physical and psychological well-being but inevitably enhance their chances of survival. The most influential of these choices are: life purpose; positive attitude; managing stress; sense of humor; love and social support; emotional expression; and faith. Along with good nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, and physical exercise, these choices contribute to a more comprehensive and complete healing.

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